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I want to be a teacher, but now I'm not so sure. The kids are easy, the parents that are bitches. Because I teach am I not allowed a life? I cant live like this

I want to be a teacher, but now I'm not so sure. The kids are easy, the parents that are bitches. Because I teach am I not allowed a life? I cant live like this

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Category: Secrets

try teaching orphans ??
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Just keep your leather bras and whip in the closet.
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Teaching has perks that most jobs would never have - like 2.5 months off in the summer. And no matter how much you complain, you are paid far more than your education level justifies. So quit complaining and deal with the minor issues. Every career has stress points - teaching has FAR less than average.
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I doubt you're really a teacher. You can't even construct a decent sentence.
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With English context like this you shouldn't be a teacher.
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You can't live like this?
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^I think we can safely reserve the FAR for our CEOs. Teachers have a FAR tougher job, good ones anyway.
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The problem is, most teachers started teaching right out of college and have never done anything else. They don't know how easy they have it, compared to most professions.
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Teachers whine more than any other profession I hear about. Grow up you whiny babies and get a different job.
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Math and English teachers have it made. Nothing ever changes except the students.
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Some parents are soo annoying. They want to complain about everything and I hear more often than not them Hating the teachers. I eprsonally don't care what you do on your free time just so it's nothing pedophilic or MEth, anything else who cares. Just don't be a b**** to the kids and we are cool :)
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You can't live with the ridiculous perks, months off, bonuses, excellent insurance, retirement contribution, and light work load? What a baby.
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^ you obviously don't know what your talking about. Im a teacher and it isnt easy. Every night I go home and have at least two hours of extra work. Yes the pay is diecent.. Not good. Have you ever heard a teacher say ... ohh man those 20's sure do rub my ass raw..? A teacher gets 2.5 months off. yes that is awesome, but it is also filled with planning everything you are going to need to do for next year. lesson plans, journals, parties, crafts, field trips. Yes the insurance is good, but only if you are working for a public school. and yes the retirement is good. Not enough to live off of. If so then why do teachers teach past their retirement dates? You obviously don't know what your talking about. I think the secret was based more on why can teachers not have personal lives. A teacher cannot go out to the bar and have a good time. A teacher cannot do anything outside of work that they couldnt do infront of a classroom full of kids. As a teacher I am constantly worried about being inapproprate.. I mean we aren't freaking nuns here! We want to have a good time too. So long as the students aren't involved, and it doesn't interfear with our work.. who gives a shit! Oh and YES MY GRAMMER SUCKS... I get so sick of people correcting my grammer when I comment or post secrets.
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^ Hopefully, you are a math teacher. It's really hard to f*** up 2 2.
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^ 3 up - I know exactly what I'm talking about. If your nights/holidays are filled with doing lesson plans, then you aren't a very good teacher. Good teachers can do that during their PLANNING period. And every career has drawbacks. The point is, teachers have salary and benefits FAR higher than their workload and education level justifies.
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