Places for help:
If you cant go on:
I'm in love with a married man 22 years older than me. He has no idea but if he ever came on to me that would be the end of it.

I'm in love with a married man 22 years older than me. He has no idea but if he ever came on to me that would be the end of it.

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Category: Secrets

I agree with 1up.... I have met women that i wanted and later found out wanted me but they never gave the "come on" signal....Tell him you love him and if it is meant to be it will be...maybe it will be a one time excapade or maybe it will grow into long term, do not get to the age where you regret not doing what your hear tells you.....I WOULDA, COULDA, SHOULDA, BUT I DIDN' it now!My wife was 18 years younger and we were soul mates...
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leave married men alone dear, or you will regret it.
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that would be terrrrrrrrrible !....are you in Fla?...say yes!!
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What does that mean? Would be the end of it? You would go with him or you would tell him to leave you alone?
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^Nice insight, I assumed she would sleep with him, but it does kinda leave that open for dispute doesn't it?
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^ I don't think there's any question here at all. She would stop talking to him if he came on to her because it would show what a dishonorable creep he really is.
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Really? It's not a black and white picture! hahaha
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if "it" = your dignity
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Don't take this the wrong way, but that's pretty twisted. Please consider getting some therapy.
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If a guy came on here and said "I'm in love with a woman 22 years younger than me" I doubt anyone would think it was "twisted."
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y do b****es always wait/expect the man 2make a move?.... he wont know u like him unless u give him a “HINT”!!!! cuz if a guy hits on a girl {and she doesn't give him a “HINT”; wheather she likes Him, or not} he's automatically a "Pervert". [men cant read minds, let us knoe if we have a chance or not b4 we attempt to step up2 the plate
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No, not in Fla...and yes, because it would show he was a dishonorable creep. Which is why he would never do it.
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Your dad would never do that to you. He loves you, but not in a sexuall way.
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So many nutjobs...
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You only wish he would come on to you. Keep living in your fantasy, if it gets you off.
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I hope it's me!!
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Didn't think anyone would understand. I would never do anything with a married man. I would hate it if he ever did come on to me. And I don't need a father.
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