Until you are in my shoes, you have no place judging me. My child is going to live a life better than anything I could have only dreamed of. My little boy is happy, secure, and lives without fear. I don't care what any of you say if it's only negativity. This happened 4 years ago, and since then, I've left the father and rebuilt my life with my daughter. I am a stronger woman, mother, and wife now.
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you are worthless...which is why he beats you. You just proved it to all of us.
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You should have hired Louie the leg breaker to take care of this a hole. I guarantee after Louie did his thing, you would not have to worry about being abused again.
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then you did the right thing!
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Please, get out of that environment. For yourself, if no one else. Speaking from experience, intially it is somewhat difficult, but it gets easier. The rewards are wonderful. May your child always know the love you have for him/her. Good luck to you. May you be blessed.
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You would rather give your baby away then leave a man who beats you, doesn't that seem the least bit sick and dimented to you? You need help desperately. Find someone to help you, family, friends, a priest, a lawyer, a neighbor, a stranger. If you don't, you will surely die (at his hand) and that poor baby will grow up thinking "Mommy didn't love me enough to keep me!" He is a pig and the absolute worst kind of human being there is... leave him NOW. Get your baby back. Stop punishing yourself!!!!!!
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you have the strength to give up your child but not to leave and keep your child????? I'M A MOTHER WHO SOULY SUPPORTS ( i have no help from anyone!!)MY CHILDREN IN EVERY ASPECT AND I'M SORRY I CAN'T COMPREHEND THIS AT ALL!!!!!! i'm not judging i just don't get it!!! you took the easy way out, love your child enough to actualy love him or her1 if i can do it with 7 you can do it with 1!!!!
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dont judge her, his physical abuse was probably not the only factor in the decision she made...most woman in abusive relationships have been abused their entire lives and were never taught how to cope and function "the right way" and it affects every decision they will ever make. through all of that she still made a decision to put her CHILD'S WELFARE first. i'm sure the family who has that child is so thankful that they have that little girl or boy in their lives. she did a very selfless thing! i bet the people on here bashing her are "good christians" too WHAT A JOKE!
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Keep the kid and lose the jackass.
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complete? refined? caters? what country do YOU live in FREAK?
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I gave you away because of your nappy hair.
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It is always easy to judge someone else rather than look at you own life. Shame on the judgers, your life can turn on a dime!
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dummy, should have shitcanned the a** **** that was beating you, loser
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If he beats you LEAVE NOW before he kills you!
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^^ i wasen't judging, i've been there! and your right the physcial isn't ever the only factor! i've been beaten, rapped, thrown across a room, strangled and the worse was the emotional abuse, the verbal degrading, it takes years to heal from that part where the physcial only the time it takes your body to heal. but the love with my children is what gave me thestreangth to make that move to start new. i reached out more times then i can count to others for help but noone believed me,they paid it no mind. when he was finally locked up they all ask why didn't i say something or how could i let him do that to me..THAT WAS THE REALY MESSED UP PART!! if she loves that child, she need to find a way to make a new life for them both, no matter how much love you receive from others THERE IS NO LOVE OF THAT OF YOUR BIOLOGICAL PARENT!!! GROWING UP WITH OUT NO MATTER HOW MUCH LOVE SOMEONE E;SE GIVES YOU, WILL HAVE CONSEQUENCES!!!!
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^^^i think the op made the best decision she could for child and for herself and you are being judgmental so KNOCK IT OFF! you think you are doing a better job raising your kids? well guess what? your kids are going to grow up and they will also be in abusive relationships(75% chance) , in fact if you have a daughter she will probably (80% chance) get raped or molested before the age of 14 because she grew witnessing YOU get abused and now has victim tattooed on her forehead. at least this woman is sparing her child from that. i think that takes a lot of strength and she is an amazing person. have no doubt, one day your child will know and appreciate how much love it took for you to let him go!
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That's sad.Get out before the ship goes down... ...and you drown.
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Whoever the f*** said that no love is greater than that of a child biological parents needs to wake the f*** up. I'm adopted and I have never seen ANY parent love their child as much as my parents loved me. So someone needs to shut their mouth until they know what they are talking about and grow up. Your fairy tales about parental love are cute but naive. It's really a case by case basis. Don't generalize to prove a point. And don't ostracize this poor woman because she made a difficult decision. Grow up. Some women are trapped in marriages. Either because they have been so beaten down they don't think they can get away. Or because they don't know they can.This woman's love for her child probably saved that baby from a troubled childhood.God bless her.
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What a load of freaking crap. There is a whole, complete and refined support system for battered women in this country. It encompasses from the government to private run shelters and businesses. It caters to women explicitly and even a male needing the same kind of help will not be supported thru these charities and government sponsored programs. You could have easily walked away and into the arms of the Police and any number of support options. That would have been simple comparatively to giving up your child. You chose the path you are following. You made that decision. Why did you choose to stay with a brutal violent male and give up your child? What on God?s earth would compel you to make a decision like that? Fear? Fear for the sake of reality? You really need to take a look at yourself.
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^once again, do you happen to be a christian cause you sure SOUND LIKE ONE! that whole complete and refined system you speak of DOES NOT EXIST! have you ever had to stay in a woman's shelter as a child? I HAVE! not only do they treat you like a worthless charity case, those places are so overloaded it's hard to even get even if you want too....and the worst part? your surrounded by dysfunctional grownups who don't know how to raise children. my sister was MOLESTED in one of those places....real safe huh? my mom left and she ended up homeless. then social services took up and put us in foster care. after they split the four of us up of course. i know one thing. had i been raised in a safe, consistent environment i wouldn't have post traumatic stress disorder!!!! there are a lot of really sad things that can happen in life, i think this the op knows all about that.
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