I agree!!
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good for you, dont give in .
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Sweet, I almost got one 20 some years ago, wanted to do my own design, now in my 40's and never got a tat and I am glad since everyone seems to have them, their not that uncommon so you and me are rebels. For piercings just my ears, no gauging and no other body parts.
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Good for you! Be unique and beat to your own drum.
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Tattoos, like a majority of things, are an individual choice. I waited until I was 35 to get my first one and now I'm sleeved. I don't think you should be praised or condemned for having or not having them. The only difference between tattooed and non-tattooed people is that tattooed people don't care if you have a tattoo or not. As for the stick ons in the gum,that has been around since the 1950's.
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Tattoo's defile your body, i applaud you for keeping your body clean.
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Yeah I know, tattoos are no longer a symbol of rebellion. Everyone and their freaking grandmother have them. That's why I refuse to get one. I don't wanna be a sheep and follow what everybody else is doing.
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Once I had a Hula Hoop, then I had a Yo-Yo. Then I had an 8-track player, and a CB radio. Then I had some roller skates, and another Yo-Yo. Purple Flares were all around, and I would always follow. I am free of all those things today, and they will still be gone tomorrow!.
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I have no tatoos and am very happy without them.
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I have 1 tatto and am very ahppy with it...though I want a few more :/
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I donn't believe you. Prove it! Send me naked pics.
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tattoos are disgusting
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How is it that every possible subject brought up can change to race? This is amazing! Such small little minds yet they still find the ability to use a computer...
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^And I am sure you are just perfect right...
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^sounds like you are talking from experience you F**King LOSER!
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It's true that tattos in old age look horrendous. That's why you don't get them To "look" a certain way....
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probably have the inside of your vagina tattoed
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I started young at 17. I got mine where they can not be seen even while wearing a short sleeve shirt. I do regret 3 out of 4 of my tattoos. I will get my children's names and then no more.
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at 37 i have zero tats or piercings. i am just a plain ass white dude and happy to be unmarked. to each his own. i like tats, just not on me :)
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Tattoos are ugly!
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here here
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I am tattooed, I like mine a lot and put years of thought into them before I got them. I gave you a thumbs up for being you and sticking to it.
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There are people who get them as a fad to fit in...but they are spotted easily, usually have it in an obvious place with an obvious design like a butterfly on the low back...yeah you are part of the fad.
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You don't put a bumper sticker on a benz...
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A hummer is a piece of shit anyways.....spinners is not a bumper sticker either, you are a dumb shit fag and can't wait til you die miserable and alone.
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