It is okay to be proud of yourself.
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There are some really jelouse people here
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1 up - are you retarded?
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unless your in the penthouse it doesnt matter.
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You, sir, are an idiot.
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Of course you do.That is what small minded people do.
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I'm sensing a little jealousy on this board.
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^ Pardon me, do you have any Grey Poupon?
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This is just STUPID!
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that pic looks cool if you look while scrlling up and down! TRY IT!
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To the OP: If you KNOW it's a "stupid little thing you do", but your original post offers NO clue that you DON'T actually believe it, why are you so impatient with people who (in one fashion or another) point out that it IS stupid? They're in AGREEMENT with you.
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Yeah but if there ever were a fire, those ppl below you will have an easier an easier time getting out of the building while you'll be stuck in your upstairs apartment hollering like a little b**** for a fireman to save your ass, lol :p
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OK OP thinks he is so far advanced, that's why he is paying for an apartment in the city when he could pay the same amount for a huge 5 bedroom house with land and a pool in the suburbs or country. He pays more for a parking spot than most thinking people would spend on an apartment, and he wants us to know he is the smart one, the elite, the priveledged. Well, my dear sir, you are not better, you are actually very obviously self centered. If you have that kind of money to throw around why don't you donate it to a charity.
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Most gays like the city better too, easy meat. You are nasty.
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^^yes he does go down frequently
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Sometimes when I ride an elevator and I'm the only one in it....I will push every single floor button before I exit....because I know there are people that ride those elevators that feel superior to us below.
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^ Good job! I did the same thing when I was 8... just for the helluvit though back then. I do it at the beach sometimes knowing some b**** with sand stuck up her ass can't wait to get back to her room. ;)
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Trump... Donald Trump.
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Do you go down frequently?
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Really? And just how superior do you feel? When you are on the roof of a tall building, do you feel like you can fly?
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OP here; so it's a stupid little thing I do to amuse myself on the elevator, that's why it's a secret. I'm well aware that the there are a host of factors beyond whether I'm on the 24th or 25th floor that determine an apartment's market value. Now, for all the negative comments; seeing as you are probably some loser living in a pathetic mid-western suburb at best, and more likely a double wide trailer; I feel legitimately more superior to you in my Upper East Side luxury high rise building. For the person who said that I spend my life in an elevator shaft, you may be the dumbest person on this planet, it takes me about 34 seconds to ride the elevator to my floor. And besides, I have a doorman and concierge that can bring me what I want if I don?t want to waste those precious seconds. You are all losers.
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just curious if you feel inferior to the people that live above you. i would personally take a lake house too, but some people like to be waited on hand and foot w/o the hassle of a yard etc. nothing wrong w/ that.
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just curious if you feel inferior to the people that live above you. i would personally take a lake house too, but some people like to be waited on hand and foot w/o the hassle of a yard etc. nothing wrong w/ that.
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^I repeat: "it's a stupid little thing I do to amuse myself on the elevator..." To the lake house dude; my apartment undoubtedly costs multiple times what you place does. That would dictate that my high-rise apartment is multiple times more sought after than your crappy trailer next to a detention basin, oops, I mean "lake"
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