Places for help:
If you cant go on:
I will miss the step kids. I was with them for 5 years.  I AM THE FATHER THEY WANT AND NEED.  You are the bio mom.  Why do they want to live with me and not you

I will miss the step kids. I was with them for 5 years. I AM THE FATHER THEY WANT AND NEED. You are the bio mom. Why do they want to live with me and not you

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Category: Secrets

We're you screwing your nurse, then married her?
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That's a terrible place to be when you love the kids that aren't 'yours'. Good luck.
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If you love kids your could always pitch in and drop the Cosby kids off at the pool.
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I had the same situation. The kids wanted to be with me and not their bio mom. It always makes you wonder how bad their real mother has to be in order for a child to pick a stranger over their own parent! GOOD LUCK and hopefully you can at least stay in contact with the kids.
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Because you are the rich doctor daddy?
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Moms are usually the parent that does most of the dicipline...makes the kids do chores, clean up after themselves...after a divorce Mom has to work harder outside the home and inside too...there is less money because a woman and her children's standard of living generally decreases after a divorce and "dad's" standard of living generally improves...he is the fun parent...the "good" parent as far as the kids think...why would they want to stay with someone that is stressed out, broke and makes them help out by doing chores?...why not go with the person that can go out to eat and hire a cleaning fun things and go places...that is why kids want to go live with "Dad" in a divorce if dad is any kind of decent one wants to live with a** **** dad...the kids i feel for are the ones that can't count on either parent to be there for's can be a** ****s too...ymmv...
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^ To the poster above. So are you saying that if the kids elect to want to live with thier "Mom", that the "Dad" must be some kind of un-reliable, un-fit, in-capable of parent hood douche bag type of person? Which is why the kids would choose poverty, dicipline and a stressed out biotch to live with. Cause if you are saying that then FUCK YOU totally and you can kiss my ass b.itch. And if your not, then your entire train of reasoning, at best is a joke.
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^^ yeah right ! The dad's standard of living increases? Paying alimony and child support? Really? What rock is your head under?
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No new posts since yesterday... I still have to sit at work bored all day...geez I have been so addicted to this site I'm lost!
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Whoever the guy in the pic is, I want to punch him. I see idiots like him all the time, wearing a stupid stethoscope around their neck as if to say, "Look at me, I'm a doctor!" Guess what? We don't care. Doctors are just overpaid mechanics, nothing more.
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