Good because I feel the same way. I'm sick and tired of you expecting me to clean up after you and do all the shopping and cooking and you do nothing. Maybe if you helped out a little, I wouldn't have to nag at you.
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Maybe she's nagging because you sit around like a little boy instead of being a MAN! Help out with things that need to be done. Stop expecting her to follow behind you like mommy did and clean up after yourself! Nagging comes from someone being immature and inconciderate!
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Dump the nagging b****
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Maybe she is nagging because that's just what women do. If everything is not sone 100% to their satisfaction, then it's not done at all. I work harder and do more than any man I know. I fix almost everything and always save us litterally thousands of dollars...and she b****es because I like to watch Discovery, History, Nat geo and Animal plant, once an awhile the news...and she gipes because I didn't put the few dishes away in the sink...before she got home....or because there is cat hair on the floor...hell, I've been painting the outside of the house all day woman!! Oh, and i guess a BJ is out of the question again, huh?
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why you talking about my wife?
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haul ass, my friend. who wants to be around a nagger
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^ i agree...woman working and trying to keep a home is too much and causes unhappiness. i am a woman in an old fashioned relationship and i am very happy staying home cooking cleaning and doing the june cleaver thing. i also am lucky i have a competent husband i don't have to babysit! i never have to nag him to do stuff because he is an adult and that isn't my job....unless i'm horny and want to f*** his brains out :) take that june!
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What is passive aggressive for 200 dollars please...
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Got sex?
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Men are selfish Women hate that, Men wise up to your womens NEEDS do things before she HAS to ask you maybe think of her before yourself. That will shut her up. Guarantee.
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Could be a woman posting. I've never seen a man who didn't nag a hell of a lot worse than any woman does.
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^3 up sounds like the man for me and of course he's taken, and underappreciated. I would appreciate you!
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Every womans native american last name is four horseit's short for nag,nag,nag,nag
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We nag because you are lazy f***in bastards.
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sounds like you are married to kate gosselin!
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There are women who nag because they are picky b****es.. BUT, most women HAVE to nag because men all act like punk ass babies and have to be told to pick up your clothes, help out around the house, help with the kids.. sheesh... it's like most guys are LAZY PIGS!
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ALL the nagging can come to a hault if things go back the way they were BEFORE the women's libbers ruined things for us. Men go to work, mow the lawn and kill spiders! Women cook, clean the house and raise the kids... We have our set jobs and stick to them.. there, no more nagging!
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