Why do you think he is like that? Do you think he may be a product of his environment? Do you b**** at him a lot? Are you a b****? Do you complain about a lot of things? Are you inventive in sex or do you just like the same ol f*** and lets leave it at that routine? Do you ever just sit still? and shut up? Do you have to always have something to say or some question to ask? or somewhere to go, or something to do....just think about it. Maybe he is, like millions of other married guys, merely just a product of their environment.
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People always sayleave...as if it will be better somewhere else. I am facing this choice myself, the options arebasically this...Stay with this guy who is an asshat or be by yourself or find some other asshat. Shitty options but thast really all there is,it's f***ed I know. You and me in the same boat. Good luck do whats best for you and your child.
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Men are selfish pigs...just the way it is. Marriage sucks so you might as well just leave and move on.
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i am the one that posted this comment i dont b**** and i try to ake intrest but i am a good wife.i cook clean and take care of our 3yr old son while also working a 10 hour job.
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2^ She doesn't hate her husband, she doesn't care about him anymore. Hate is the opposite of love, you can only hate someone as much as you love them. Antipathy means it's over. Walk away baby girl.
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I am in the same situation...leaving isnt always easy...if i had the funds id be outta here myself..good luck to you
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The problem here is that you Hate your husband :/
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I am in the same predicament. When he is off the game he is another person. The man I love, when he is on it I cant stand him I work and go to school, do all the cooking and cleaning and take care of my son. He will ask me to do things for him after I get off of a 14 hr shift. We have been together 5 years and it had been this bad for 2 1/2. I NEED CHANGE!
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It's simple: since he's so into his games, he's obviously not mature enough to be married. I've been seeing alot of my generation and younger get sucked into this world of video games and it's just sick...men AND women. I was into it for a little while, but haven't been for almost 10 years. Games just suck the life out of you. If you're interested, try to get him to go on walks with you once a day. If not, then I'd leave.
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Get out. Just leave.
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by the time a man is a husband he should have enough spine to be a man regardless of his "environment." i think you are confusing a man with a child. i can see how that mistake could be made.
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Maybe he'd pay more attention to you if you actually tried to show interest in it instead of b****ing about it.
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I just kicked my husband out for the same behavior...Let him love that game forever!
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Then leave
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Is that you Sherry?
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i am the op and no he is not a product of his enviornment. i cook clean and rarely ask him for anything.if im not at work im at home catering to him and my son and yes w have great sex. i dont know if you have children but if you do you should also know tht you cant sit still or not do anything.
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A Lesson learned is a Priceless gain,If we can only take the Pain
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