you can tell a lot about someone by the way they treat animals. all of gods creatures are linked and if someone hurts another its the same as hurting yourself.
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I hate cruelty to animals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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You have my permission to do what you will to the bastard!!!
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*offers a can of diesel fuel and a lighter*
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Why do we have to pretend that these anti-social F
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Why do we have to pretend that these anti-social F...wits are worth redeeming in our society.Why cant we catch them, and Duct tape them to a tree for about 3 weeks, without food or water.Do we really care if these humans survive or not?I dont. They are just oxygen thieves!
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If they get caught, de-nut them first, then turn them over to the law - sorry for your loss, am a true dog lover - let them rest in peace and wait at the Rainbow Bridge for you some day.
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I just do not understand how someone could hurt a defensless animal. Sick S.O.B . Hope you find who did it and punish them like they deserve. Sorry for what you are going through.
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I will help you !! Give me time and location !!
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Two most important things: patience and intelligence.
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i have your back.
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where is peta when u need them or is this not news worthy enough for them
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I'm so sorry you had to find them. I just can't understand how people can be so cruel. You did what you could.
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At least they aren't hurting anymore. I hate animal abuse!!!
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and what jury would convict you anyways?
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I had a crazy bi**h neighbor that did this years ago. She would leave her two dogs out in 100 degree heat with no food or water for days. We used to turn the hose on and run it under the fence for them, as well as throw them food. We called animal control, but it took months for them to do anything about it. By the time they came out with a camera and busted the pathetic piece of S**T, the dogs had to be put down. The good news is she got 90 days in jail!! YEAH it was awesome. I hope she was some big lezbos favorite new playtoy!!:)
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What did they do to the poor things?? :( I have taken in abused animals and reintroduced them to the world to new, loving homes (some of which i didnt have the heart to part with). And to the previous poster, it wasn't your fault the animal control didn't get there in time. God bless you. Actually, I can tell you why the humaine society and such takes a long time to get to the animals at times. I've had the humaine society show up at my door 3 or 4 times. Each time, seeing no reason to take the dogs or give me any fines or anything. I know exactly who called them. It was a neighbor that didn't exactly like me, and that's no reason to call. There are real emergencies that the officers need to deal with. Not waste their time at my house. Still, to this day, I have my three "kids" (lol) (a 75 lb pittbull, a 40 lb beagle mix, and a 20 lb terrier) :) Go for it OP!!!!!!!!!!!
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They'd left them out for a month. I volunteer with the humane society. There was no water, no food, in the middle of summer. I got a call from a neighbor about the whole thing. Where I'm located, it's legal to take possession of animals in such a state. I took them, gave them medical care, and called animal control. One died of acute kidney failure brought on by shock. She's the one pictured. She had a pile of moldy kibble in her pen. The other was given back to the owners a day later by the dog warden and found (on the same property, abandoned) a week later with a shotgun bullet to the head. I did what I can, but I will NEVER ever trust animal control again. I should have never let them know in the first place.
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^ Unfortunately that is the lesson most states teach us; that we have to commit a crime and risk going to jail, to save a life and prevent suffering. Speak up, and vote, do anything you can to keep animal abuse and violence an important topic for lawmakers. If it's important to the voters, it's important to them.
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it doesnt help knowing that stanky pieces of shit like michael vick can still play for the nfl, make millions and stupid ass ppl cheer for him on the sidelines!! makes me PUKE!!
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