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After several annoying calls from a cult promising to change my life for the better. I posted their # on a craigslist ad for a free 5 gallon jug full of change.

After several annoying calls from a cult promising to change my life for the better. I posted their # on a craigslist ad for a free 5 gallon jug full of change.

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Category: Secrets

Call the NAACP... they know everything. Ask Jesse how to have kids without your wife knowing... LOL!
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I have a about a gallon jug full of change (no pennies) and it has well over $500 dollars in it.
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Good Job!!!!!
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Love it! Very creative.
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Hmmmm Great Idea !! Got any Idea how to get the Jehova's Witnesses to stop knocking on my door ? Its not that I do not believe they have a right to their own religion. I would just rather not have to bother with it.
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Which cult was it? Christianity? Mormonism? Jehovas Whitness? Scientology? Freemasons?
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Jehovah's witnesses will go away if you straight-up tell them GO AWAY. They won't come back for a year (though you might get hit up by a different church in the meantime.)If you say 'gee I'd love to but I've gotta go walk the dog right now" they'll come back. If they keep coming back it's because you're a puss.
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my brother commonly walks around stark naked. once he answered the door just that a Jehovah witness...
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This post makes no sense. Please restate it.
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(*)(*)(*)Dear OP, You get what you deserve. You're an azzhoe and don't even know it. Thanks to you others are now being harassed because they responded to your false CL ad and maybe left contact info. You should be on the telemarketers pay roll.
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thats funny shit!
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very itellegent solution
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hmmmm look out tellemarketers!!
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When the jehovah's witnesses ask if they can tell you about their word, say sure, but only if I can tell you about mine and pull out some weird bdsm pamphlet
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Thanks for ALL the ideas! Keep them coming! I can't wait to try them all out! LMAO!
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To rid your self of the Jahova callers , find out the name of just 1 of their followers, then when the next group comes calling just mention that persons name. They will not walk on each others toes. So they leave.
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2^ - Get some Catholic literature and force it on them.
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I know the cult. It's called The American Government.
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to the jehova's witness question: start answering the door in your underwear. for some reason it only takes once or twice for word to get around :) i went bra-less once when a nice 20 something young man show up... i really wished i would have recorded it!!
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^ Can I come over and pretend to me a cult member sometime? ;)
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My favorite secret on here!!!!
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just tell them you are has always worked for me!
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