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I dispise my wife for allowing herself to become so fat. I think of sex all the time, just not with her.

I dispise my wife for allowing herself to become so fat. I think of sex all the time, just not with her.

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Category: Secrets

its even more frustrating if shes gorgeous and has no sex drive whatsoever.
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Maybe it is time to move on...
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"its even more frustrating if shes gorgeous and has no sex drive whatsoever."I heard that!
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That's too bad that you feel that way. Maybe she got so fat because she doesn't want to have sex with YOU! Ever think of that?
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You know what happens to people like you? They end up with problems in life that some how make it so that you can't even have sex anymore. KARMA can whip around and bring your prostrate problems or cancer or any other erectile dysfunction. Maybe when you can't get it up anymore you'll wish you were nicer.
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That's too bad that you married her under a fleeting feeling of lust. What ever happened to unconditional Love? Why did YOU choose to marry her?
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Learn to be a chunky chaser or you are in trouble. Whatever you do don?t buy her a gym membership?once she is around the good looking fit guys she will lose the weight, start taking great care of herself, buy new clothes, and have an unbelievable sex drive?but it will all be for one of the fit guys from the gym and not her a** **** at home! On second thought I hope you already got her a membership! ~chad
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for better or worse... grow up
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People are such asses. Sit and watch people. Who turns their heads to check out a really fat woman? Nobody. Who checks out the hour glass women? Everybody. It is sad that this guy lost the "trophy wife" lottery, but it doesnt make him a bad person to realize it.
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My husband has gotten so fat since we've been married, I'm actually repulsed by his obese appearance. It makes me sick. I can't sleep with him.
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You can love someone and not be sexually turned on by them at the exact same time. Nobody's entitled to sex, even if they're married. Love transcends physical appearance, sex doesn't necessarily, and that doesn't make someone a bad person.
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My wife more than doubled. Weighs more than me. I had to decide between leaving or just getting a girlfriend. I went with the girlfriend route.
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I am a woman and after my second child and birth control I have gained SOME weight! alot. but you know my hubby loves me for me and he still thinks im sexy. He loves to watch me walk around naked, or in langerie. he loves me for me not what I look like!
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^ Women who nurse for adequate lengths of time (at least 2 years after the baby's birth) usually drop the baby weight and then some. A woman's body is created to do this. Women who deny their baby real milk by not nursing properly end up getting fat, because their bodies didn't go through the full cycle. Women who DO nurse properly stay thin and healthy.
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2 years... damn!
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^ 2 posts up. i nursed both my kids for two years and didn't lose my pregnancy weight, which was 30 pounds for each kid. so you can drop that breastfeeding myth right there. the length of time you bf has nothing to do with the weight loss either. i hope you aren't giving people breastfeeding advice because you dont know what the hell you are talking about
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^ why the hell would you nurse a two year old!? That's pedophile type stuff you are sick!
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^ NO SHIT!... just what I was thinking! I can see junior walking around saying, "Momma, me need titty!".
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Love transcends the physical appearance.It is you that is unlovable because deep down you don't love yourself.Quit using others to "fill" the hole in your soul.Women get fat when they are in a shitty marriage but still love the a** **** they are with....
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Love transcends the physical appearance.It is you that is unlovable because deep down you don't love yourself.Quit using others to "fill" the hole in your soul.Women get fat when they are in a shitty marriage but still love the ass_hole they are with....
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My wifes weight nearly doubled. We weren't having sex very often. I started skiing with this nice, thin, energetic lady. My wife saw what was happening and lost all her weight. Now we are back to having sex constantly. Get a girlfriend. A skinny one.
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Hell, nut up man. Just slap a thigh and ride the wave in! Ya know, the number 1 leading cause for weight gain and loss of sex drive is wedding cake.
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To those who think that "it's just the inside that matters"... that's a sweet thought, but not even close to reality. Sure, the person might not change substantively, but physical change can be a huge barrier to intimacy. If a woman gets fat, she simply will NOT be able to do the sexual things that a fit woman can do. Sex with a fit woman is MUCH better, and that's a huge deal to most men. It's not shallow, it's just physiology.
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My bf got fat after we had been together for a few years and I still love him but don't want sex anymore and he thinks I just have no sex drive but really I do, just not with him.
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^That's right. I wonder if she despises you for caring more about how she looks than who she is as a person, what she feels, etc... let's hope so. You would fully deserve that. I also wonder if she thinks about making love to a real man with an open heart and some self esteem that doesn't need to be stroked by a "model" body? I am almost sure she does... you deserve that too.
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Then do her a favor and let her find someone who will truly Love her. Quit being so f***ing greedy
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she probably got fat from being so depressed about marrying a douche like you
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why do people think its so wrong to ask that your significant other at least try and maintain a respectable weight/appearance for their lover. the person knows when its getting out of hand or when their letting themselves go. doesn't love bring out the desire to be desired by your lover? we may not all have the perfect bodies but one must at least try and care about their appearance.
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if you were told the second you first met a person who could potentially be your future wife/husband for the first time that she would let her/himself go and become obese
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last time i checked nobody wants to get fat, maybe you should care enough to find a way to help her be happy and this will take affect on her physical appearance
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