Places for help:
If you cant go on:
I have a wife that don't love me, a son that's never seen me, a daughter that doesn't live with me,and a job that doesn't pay me. Is it ME? I'm no different.

I have a wife that don't love me, a son that's never seen me, a daughter that doesn't live with me,and a job that doesn't pay me. Is it ME? I'm no different.

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Category: Secrets

i like this picture. I made it as my default on facebook
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It has to be you.
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If all of this makes you no different than it certainly may be you. Best of Luck!
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boo hoo hoo
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What's the common denominator? YOU. Figure out why you keep making bad decisions and driving people away. It's probably depression.
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I'm feeling like it is depression...but I don't now what to do about it. Drugs just make me not care how shitty I feel. I'm too old for this shit anymore. Tired of it, simply tired of it all. Thanks to those who answered honestly.
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Talk to your county mental health department. They can get you steered in the right direction. You definitely need counseling.
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just pack your stuff and leave it all new city new state heck maybe a new country.We have the right to be happy so live for once.
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