Places for help:
If you cant go on:
You dont understand how badly I want this overwith and not bc I wanna be with him. Its bc I cant stand for people to refer to me as your "wife" I want you gone

You dont understand how badly I want this overwith and not bc I wanna be with him. Its bc I cant stand for people to refer to me as your "wife" I want you gone

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Category: Secrets

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I wonder how long before you want HIM gone?
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Funny pic! Wow Its sad that at one point you probably dreamed of being his wife. Who changed? You or him?
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^ wow i like that last comment. Right now I am craving to be this mans wife and can never imagine feeling the way OP feels about him, but perhaps one day I will-- if I ever get him. Scary.
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OP here. Hes changed, he cant seem to be happy with our small family we had so instead he went to other women to get it. Sorry that I didnt please him but family is everything to me and he thought differently. I did dream of being his wife a long time ago but I was in love with the old him. Not the person he is today....
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I'm sorry. Why isn't he gone then? Put his stuff out on the curb girl! Or dump it in the other chicks front yard... the quicker you get rid of him the quicker you will find happiness again.
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OP again. Hes already been kicked out but the whole divorce process is S-L-O-W!!!
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