Then keep it at friend level with lots of flirtation for as long as you can. It betters your odds. But if he is a weasle and you know he has broken many heart because he only cares about himself and his image, then don't waste your time.
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I have been there. I was in love with him and would have married him the day I met him. and I was scared too. but it's almost two years later and he's still the best thing to ever happen to me. give it time. I hope it works out.
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Try swallowing, I'll Know he will come back time after time!
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Every time you love you take a RISK ! There is no such thing as a Prince Charming !
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you know, if it doesn't work out its probably because of the way you are going into this relationship. let it happen naturally.
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i m there too. He told me to trust him, I did. It was a mistake. He hurt me.
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Hmmm this is a comment worthy one.... I say good for you, see where it goes... CAUTIOUSLY. I commend you for being able to open your heart again after being broken. I dont think I can ever again. Just watch for the red flags and get out at first sign that things may be wrong.
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Hello Jenny McClean Pensacola airport, Delta ticket counter. Thank you for sucking my cock and letting me f*** you in the over nighters. Your husband needs to go get tested along with all of our coworkers that you f***.lmfao. muahahahaha sorry Earl your wife is a skank but i love f***in her.
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