You're a loser. No ambition. Your life will suck.
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Find a job you love and you will never work a day in your life. Even for a little money, you will have to find something to do eventually. And kids cost money, so you have a good plan there. Not everyone should have children.
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So glad you dont want to have kids with that kind of mind set. You are not living, just existing. What a waste of oxygen.
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You want to be a bum, the world needs bums too.
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i agree with you. i can't figure out why other people are so caught up in that stuff. i just want to LIVE and be FREE. if others want that, that is fine with me...just leave me alone.
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You wanna be a bum...The world needs bums too!
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Good luck having a roof over your head. Hope you dont get too hungry. Oh no worries you can live off of some fool or get gov assistants so we can pay taxes for your stupid ass.
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Listen to the Tom Waits song I Don't Want To Grow Up. You might like it.
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There have been many definitions of what Indigo children are. Usually, they are known as very old and highly evolved souls who have incarnated back on earth to help in raising the vibrations of the earth plane to assist in the shift in human consciousness.
Indigos are a group of souls with enhanced awareness from the Universe and have chosen to incarnate to help raise Earth's vibration.
They can usually feel a connection to a fellow indigo especially when they share in common:
* Have issues with authority figures/authoritarian parents
* Have a strong calling to help other people or animals
* Considers the way he/she treats Mother Earth environmentally
* Have a strong interest in metaphysical topics from a very young age
* Drawn to creative pursuits such as art, science, design or music
* From a young age having problems fitting in with classmates
* Realizing that other people of same age dont have similar interests
* Always stood out in having a more mature sense of humour, interests, values
* Most close friends, though few, are much older
* Abilities most manifested into intuition, wise advice, spontaneous healings when working on other people's minds and bodies.
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2^ i was going to say the same thing but you beat me to it
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indigos don't want the traditional career 2.5 kids marriage or any other of that stuff
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welcome to a new age... you are one of the evolved that may help us remember who we really are!
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So give me the money, kids and job. New Age ideas are actually Age Old Stupidity.
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I love you!
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But do you want to beat on dis drum all day?
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