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It's hard to stay positive these days

It's hard to stay positive these days

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Category: secrets

Right on brother/sister. it takes soo much more energy to stay positive. it's exhausting.
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first comment...what are you gonna do after the last check is checked?
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It is hard to stay positive because 90% of the people we interact with each day are negative, throw dirty looks, judge...the list goes on.
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What Island? I also live on an Island and am not as fortunate as you, probably because we manage money differently. But I live paycheck to paycheck therfore will likely never get to cash the LASt check. The majority of the USA lives like me, and positivity is hard to come by especially when your not on an Island, like most people, like the poster, they likely do not live on an Island.
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All I am saying is it is easier to stay postive if you live where you love( at least, ya know) I am super f***ing poor but I feel blessed because I Love MAUI :) Yes I am super f***ing poor, I got two slices of bread, less than a cup of milk some apples oh yeah and two kids to feed...Life is good lol
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I like the bear and the quote...lmao
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