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I hate my boyfriends mom.  We've been dating five years, and I recently got pregnant.  She ORDERED me to abort my unborn baby.  f*** her.  I'm keeping my baby.

I hate my boyfriends mom. We've been dating five years, and I recently got pregnant. She ORDERED me to abort my unborn baby. f*** her. I'm keeping my baby.

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Category: secrets

how old are you?
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OP--Im not a slut. I'm 25, and we're getting married in about a month. She's very pro abortion, and she thinks I would ruin his life with my lousy two year college education. I have an Associate's degree, but that isn't good enough. (He went to a four year college and has his Bachelor's.)
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Good for you!!
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what a horrible mom he must have
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I would keep that evil b**** out of your life. Dont even let her ever see or be around your child either. Just hope he is not a mommas boy but for her to order you like that makes me think he is. Who the hell does she think she is. I hope you two elope so the hag cant go to your wedding. Bad thing is, she'll probably never go away.... I hope you love this guy enough to stick it out with him. Please keep the baby even if you dont get married.
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OP--There's no way I could even consider doing any kind of harm to my baby. As for mom, he thankfully isn't a momma's boy. She waited until she was 35 to have him. She's only got a few years left, and none will be with her grandkid(s).
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What a crappy future mother in law
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When I was prego w/my first one, we weren't married. My own mother told me I was an embarressment; forget the fact that we both had degrees, were 26y/o, and stable. He & I got married when our son was 8mos old. Six yrs & 2 kids later, we are still together & I do not let my mother be a part of their lives. If my boys weren't good enough for her then, why are they good enough for her now? FORGET HER! BTW, you can always go back to school & take classes online for your Bachelors. Your future MIL is a whack job! Good luck!
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having a child to spite someone else is terrible. i'm sure you'll be a great mother.
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Think very long and hard BEFORE you marry him.You will have that evil b**** in your life FOREVER!Just remember, a baby changes everything!
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Good for you. Tell that b**** to back off and stay the hell out of your life and your child's life.
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Don't marry him. Have his child and sue him for support money. Let his b**** of a mother suffer.
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Such angry people. I can tell a lot of you have parent issues. Why not try and act like an adult human being, instead of a b****. Let your boyfriend know your having the kid, and to grow some balls and tell his mom to lay off. If he can't do this, you WILL have a difficult life with this man, mother and child. Try to LOVE throught the Hate.
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If she hadn't "ORDERED" you to abort, would you have considered it? I only ask because your resentment for her "ORDER" may make you rebel and not make a decision you would have made otherwise without her influance. I'm just saying do not let her influance your decision. Think about it with peace of mind.
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RIGHT ON SISTER !Tell your boyfriends mother to shut her trap !
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