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Sometimes I wish you would go to heaven so that I can have our daughters full time when our divorce is finalized. You are a messed up woman, just like your mom

Sometimes I wish you would go to heaven so that I can have our daughters full time when our divorce is finalized. You are a messed up woman, just like your mom

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Category: secrets

Instead of wishing her dead, why don't you fight for those kids?!? If she is truly messed up, you probably have a case.
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I can understand the posters feelings...and I am a woman. Some women are not meant to raise children. Some are more like dogs whelping pups and while they will "care" for them, they will not nurture them. Dads are every bit as capable of raising good, solid children as mothers...and most of them won't resort to going on welfare like some mom's do. Some mom's claim they need to be stay at home mom's and raise their children when what they really want to do is sit around and get alimony or child support and welfare. Anything free so they don't have to work like normal makes me sick to see. BUT, there are mom's who work two and three jobs to keep their families together after dad is out of the picture and doesn't pay his half of the child support. I say half because that is what his portion should be. It should not be up to the dad entirely to pay for everything for the kids while the mom doesn't work. She should be required to work and go to school if she wants to better her situation. They would both being showing positive examples to their kids so that the children do not become cyclical repeaters of abusing welfare and become generational welfare lazyasses.
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i can understand the posters feelings,i have two children too raise,my ex cant get her head out of her boyfriends a_ _ long enough just to spend every other weekend with them.and stay sober long enough to show them she sad
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you liked her enough to sleep with her and have more than one child with her. maybe take a look at yourself
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^ wow true. Key workd there..look at yourself. Wishing someone dead isn't the best. For your kids sake I hope you dont go around bad mouthing their mom in front of them adn telling them shit like that. Becasue then you would be one messed up man/dad/ They will grow old enough one day to relize who their parents where, trust me. Let them decide for themselves when the time comes. You just be there for your kids as much as you can and thats it. Dont worry about the mom, deal with her shit enought o see and be with your children. Adn when you are with them do not mention their mother only talk about how much you love them and etc...get it. I hope you do this. Kids are not stupid.
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