Places for help:
If you cant go on:
You are one of the best men I've ever met.  And you're mine. I can't tell you that you're too clingy, and I want more me time.  I don't want to hurt you.

You are one of the best men I've ever met. And you're mine. I can't tell you that you're too clingy, and I want more me time. I don't want to hurt you.

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Category: secrets

You are the kind of woman I would love to have!
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Maybe he feels exactly the same way about you. And is so proud of you that he wants every one that sees both of you to know that some how he was lucky enough that you loved him. At any rate if you very gentily and slowly let him know he will probably be less clingy. But first reassure him that he is your man and that you don't want to leave him.
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You have to find a way to tell him, otherwise you will act out without even realizing what you are doing, and it will hurt him 100 times worse. Trust me!
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Just be honest and tell him this the same way you are here. If he gets upset about YOUR feelings, he ain't as great as you thought, sister.
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Me time is essential. Or you'll burn out on him too quick! ~Dist
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I have the same problem! I don't want to hurt his feelings, I like having him around but god! Give me some space!
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