all he got was some dog food no harm done,but he did hurt you by cheating leave him. then dog food is all he will be able to make to eat anyways. lol
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You go girl!
Once a dog always a dog, so I say treat him like one.
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| sure taught him a lesson....
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Battered are a f***ing idiot. Why would anyone wish abuse on anyone else? Serves him right and he's lucky that all she fed him was dog food!
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lol, funny pun.....
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My black friend told me she puts period blood in spaghetti sauce to snag whatever guy she may be dating at the time, it's supposed to be black magic.
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I'm the OP and I even have to say that's a little too much with the blood. ugh. My man atleast deserved his dog food. It was actually Denty Moore Beefstew with Alpo thick and meaty chunks mixed in. :)
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Some how I don't see how this solves your problem,unless he can now scratch behind his ears with his toes?
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It didn't solve my problem at all..but I'm not the type to cheat on him so that was my little way of getting revenge.
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I wonder how many women will now try the blood/spaghetti sauce thing?
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well if you are first dating a chick and she wants to serve you spaghetti i would become suspicious lol
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Not so sure the sheriff's office would agree with you, darlin'.
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If you were my wife would you let me f*** around on you if I promised to eat some dog food?
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This is why so many marriages fail. People are more obsessed with revenge, than with working things out. Childish and immature.
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