Remember, remember, the 5TH of November.
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the government sucks amen so sue me!
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I wish more people thought the same thing.
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In France, they protest if the croissants aren't warm enough, and they close down entire cities in the process. I can't imagine if we did that here, they'd turn the water hoses on us. I think the problem is that nobody wants to be equal, everybody wants to be rich.
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yes!! where are these eggs coming from??
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it's because we are a lazy, spoiled, Fearful society and only care about the Self at the expense of the Whole. call me a socialist if you will, but "f*** thy neighbor" has never led to anythig but the extinction of great societies. we impose communist rule over Ourselves because we're too lame to give a shit.
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They are in France.
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The government is afraid of us, that is why they are making so many fema prison camps, training our military to combat civilians in the u.s. and won't let us have unbreakable encryption for our communication. All verifiable from government's own records
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And that's how it could be if we all stood together in front of the White House. Since Obama thinks he's Lincoln lets give him a revolution.
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I agree with the post 4 up from mine. They are in France. Watch Sicko. You will be amazed!!
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Stop watching FOX News, it makes you stupid and irrational.
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There are NOT 50 MEN or WOMEN in this country who are WILLING to stake their HONOR, FORTUNE, OR LIVES for an IDEAL like our FOUNDING FATHERS did back then... today! Damn fella, the new I-phone just came out, and the BIG GAME is on the BIG SCREEN! YOU can't expect me to give ALL THAT STUFF up for something as silly as LIFE, LIBERTY, and THE PURSUIT OF HAPPYNESS.... fro goodness sakes, its the playoff's!
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They may be soon...
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"Today a young man on acid realized that All matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration, that we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively, there is no such thing as death, life is only a dream, and we are the imagination of ourselves....." - Bill Hicks
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I'm not afraid of this government, even if they are a bunch of Chicago thugs. I've dealt with them all my life and I hold no fear. I WILL pursue happiness!
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The United States will never have a 45th president.
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America Needs to WAKE UP! Sleepwalking, self righteous and about to get F***ED For it! thx empty cementers.. fear based sheep...
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the government does fear an armed citizenry..that is the sole reason they are violating the second amendment.."the right of the people (not the militia)to keep and bear arms SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED" ummm bear means to they have no legal standing to say where or how we carry bear our arms!!!!!
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the govt atleast locally is a fraid of the ppl atleast those that are of certain races
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Time for a revolution is now!! But the bigger question is whose childern will they send to shoot us?
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because more and more people are seeing their own oppression, the govt. now IS afraid of the people. it may not seem like it, but we are winning. there is no stopping us.
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I wish that nobody was afraid.
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I thank God for Obama... Because he IS pushing the American people to the brink.
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Yeah.. way to misquote a very old and very tired saying.. nice pic though. Oh, and the people who voted this up are morons, just sayin'.
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I personally think you are all idiots. The reason people fear the government is they have given them unbridled power over us and no single individual can do a thing about it. In order to stop this we must speak with one voice, No More. Good Day to you
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