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If you cant go on:
I told you not to go into the military and now realize that may have been the biggest mistake i have ever made. PLEASE GO you cant free base heroin in the army

I told you not to go into the military and now realize that may have been the biggest mistake i have ever made. PLEASE GO you cant free base heroin in the army

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Category: secrets

What makes you think that sweetie? Disregard those comments from the pic police. Who said the pic had to match exactly with what you were trying to say? I'm sure most of us got the point.
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That's a Marines uniform there... not the Army. FYI
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he wants to go into the marines, fyi, I just didnt know.. so sorry
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FYI don't be a jerk
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I'm in the Army and that's hilarious. This has been the longest 4 years of life and the nightmare of federal service is almost over.I've seen kids die, people's limbs after they were blown 12 feet away from an IED. What's it all for?
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I made my husband join the Navy for the same reason and married him...he got out of it and now I'm dealing with a difficult divorce and a heroin addiction of my own
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ppl change bc they want to not for any other ex was in the army and on it as well as cocaine...tried going back in but got addicted to cocaine again..but my bf now is in the navy hes the best thing to ever happen to me...keep looking dnt settle for less than wat u deserve bc everyone deserves the best!
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That is a Marine uniforn! Not army!
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actually, you can get away with plenty of drugs in the military. i went through the nightmare of dealing with those shitheads in the air force,
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you can freebase heroin? i though that was coke. and stop insulting these marines! save your son you ass. crack sucks
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After Vietnam the heroin problem blew up in America. The reason was because of PTSD and all of the physical pain endured during the war... The military could cause this to become a bigger problem.
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I have seen many good people in the Marines and many not so good people. People in the military have the same problems they had before they joined, it is up to the individual to change who they are and what they value.
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Its been a little over 4 years now, and I can honestly say that I never thought I would ever have to work with so many trashy people on a daily basis. The military is simply a prison for the uneducated, the hoodlums, and the trash of this society. But then again, who else is going to stand on the wall to defend freedoms for the ungrateful while never being able to exercise those freedoms themselves?
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I am going through the same thing. Had to move out of state twice to get my son sober. New Mexico Hosp. gave him meds to detox comfortably as possible without rehab. We live in Seattle. Called the state president of rehab facilities. In our state they keep the users on drugs for all the grants the state gets for their looser rehabs facilities and the loosers who work at them. I was told no doctor in wa state will give a rx to get off drugs they hook them on methadone. My son has been sober for 8 months for the 3rd time and no help from anyone here. The intervention show ha ha that is baby shit to what I have witnessed. Dad disowned him. Ass I love my son and wonder if I should have let him join the marines when he wanted. At least he is alive.
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H is a hell of a lot cheaper and a lot more abundant, overseas.....join and enjoy!
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If he uses heroin now, he'll use it in the army. Either he will get clean or he won't, but the army won't change him if he wants to be a junkie. Good luck - you'll need it!
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