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There are times when I can't hear what people are saying.  I get so frustrated, I could shoot somebody.

There are times when I can't hear what people are saying. I get so frustrated, I could shoot somebody.

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Category: secrets

A good set of hearing aids go for about $2500.00, they,re a good investment. They're almost invisible.
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I know a few coworkers who im sure say things..sometimes about me....but dammit if the copier and other useless convos don't drown it out
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Is your problem that you can't hear or you can't understand? If you can't hear, hearing aids will help. If you can't understand, you may have a condition called auditory neuropathy. Either way, you should go to an audiologist!
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Faye is so hot. Yay Cowboy Bebop! Sorry about your problem. Happens to me too. I have small ear canals and have to ask people to repeat themselves if they aren't loud, clear, speakers. Mine is only an issue in the human voice range. I can hear everything else in the room except the speaker. Also if it's a new problem make sure it isn't just wax buildup. Home ear cleaning kits don't work that well but might help. Good luck.
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