Faith is all we have
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Hey, you are a prize! Good things will happen for you!
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It's refreshing to hear a man that has a soft spot for animals. Good for you!
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Awesome. Good for you.
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good for you.
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*big hug* :)
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OP here. If you're seeing it on other sites, then people are copying it from here, I've never posted this anywhere else. Still amazed that 3= years later this is in the top 4.
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I'm really glad you did!!!!
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Wat a hero, you took a tramp from a bar, had sex with someone u dont know, and stole her puddy cat- well hope the kitten is still safe, and that is commendable, but your morals a squewd. you should enter into a committed relationship, or maybe you already were when you whored this slut. good for you,bad for you, hope the penis fairy brings you another dick when yours falls off from STD's
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LOL What a douche...Seriously. Put your selfish, horny needs before taking care of a kitten just so you could get your 2 incher wet? LOL What a f*** up man. Am a 20 year old male, almost 21 and if I seen some dumb lot lizard bar tramp kick a kitten, the last thing I would be doing is sticking my cock in her! Grow up you silly cunt!
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Did he f*** her in the asss or the twot?
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I think I love you!
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OMG hahaha i interpreted this SO WRONG at first. thats nice of you though! :)
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"It's refreshing to hear a man that has a soft spot for animals. Good for you!"Where does it say the poster is a man? Could be a lezbo, you know .. they have feelings too.
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should have kicked her in the pussy
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How many times, and on how many sites, are we going to see this same "secret" with the same picture? Yawn.
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this gives me faith in the human race.
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fill her with the jizm then take the kitty and run
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As a lover of both Feline pussy's AND human pussy's... (Also a lover of a good hard throbbing cock to suck...) I want to say THANK YOU for thinking of the poor kittens welfare than that of that selfish unfeeling BITCH !!
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Coming from a guy that dislikes cat and is allergic to them, AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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you should have kicked her twice then took cat.
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To everyone who is raging on this guy - He was 22 years old, horny, and went home with a woman. She kicked her kitty, and he saw it. The thought of taking the kitten probably didn't pass his mind, but probably burned into his consciousness while he was doing the deed. Afterward, he probably saw the kitten, and grabbed it on a whim. Leave the guy alone and commend him for saving the beautiful animal. What did you expect, him to take the cat while she was awake?! Oh yeah, that would have brought a world of awesome to him, with this crazy b***h there. If she kicked a defenseless animal, what could she have done to him? I commend you OP! Thank you for giving a cat 17 years of beautiful life! Was he okay afterwards? Did the vet say he had any lasting affects from her?
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OP again. Christ, this has been in the number one spot for over 2 years now, I find that funny.To all the ones who said I should have kicked her or abused her, no, that's not right. To the ones who question why I would do her before I left with the cat, you must be women, because I was a 22 year old male. 22 year old males do not pass up opportunities for sex. And yes, she was pretty hot, she was 21 and had a long, lean figure. She might not be hot anymore (it's been 23 years), but boy, she looked good that night.
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I wouldn't have spent anytime with her after that. If she treats animals that way, how does she treat people?
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glad u followed ur gut instinct and took the kitteh... personally i would have left a five pound bag of sugar in her gas tank as a parting gift, to reward her for her kindness.
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NICE... you got pussy...and then a Pussy.
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You are awesome for this. Awesome. The one thing I would've done differently: gone outside and found a homeless guy with visible herpes sores, paid him 5 bucks and sent him up to her apt. while she was passed out. Oh, and maybe I'd have given him an extra buck or two to give that whore a nice donkey punch. I hope that piece of trash has had the worst life imaginable, because only a soulless nasty twat could kick a kitten. You did well controlling your temper, I might've stabbed her in the neck.
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you got a major cat ass trophy, congrats my friend good job
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after she kicked her cat you pounded her pussy? nice
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all you b****es that say this gets you laid are full of shit... women say they want sweet kind men... yeah you want them as friends, you f*** the a** ****s of this world
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You are a good person. I am an animal lover and would have kicked them more then twice and then left with the kitten. No animal deserves being hit or kicked.
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To the people who are all over this guy about getting laid before taking the kitten.. What was he to do?? He went home from the bar to get laid. That's what he was there for. Was he to interrupt his groove to stop, pick up the kitten, call abuse and roll out?? Would you have??
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love u ur the best only wish i could have seen that b**** lookin all over for her lost pussy......haha b****
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I once stole an injured bunny from a drunk woman. I promised her I would get it checked out and bring it back, I lied. I really just wanted to get it out of her smoke filled apartment. I braught it to a wildlife rehabilitator.
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OP again. I'm amazed this story has been at the #1 spot every time I run across a link to this site on Craigslist. I'd so love to post my website and put a pic of Frank on there, but no, too many people think I suck and my website is my name, so I'm not gonna do it. But he looked like a skinnier (but not skinny) version of the original Morris.
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Please, the point was to get laid. He did, don't get all "just the f*** the girl and leave did you" because that was the plan. The cat was lucky he was there and now is in a better place. Get over it. Good job man.
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i wudda kiked her and asked her how it feels >:0/ poor animals without a voice!! ppl like u make the world a better place!
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OP again. No, I never saw her again. She could have come and seen me, she met me at a club I was playing in (guitar) in a instrumental improvisational band. We weren't the top of the heap in our area, but we were well known enough. Unless she just wandered in, had no clue who we were and she just wanted a long haired guitar player for the night.
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Ur kick ass!! Just curious, but did she even contact you to ask about the poor thing?
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I'm the OP, and for the person who asked how the kitten was, he lived for 17 years and was a great, great pet. I named him Frank Zappa. For the person who said "I saw her abuse the animal and slept with her anyway", yeah, that was pretty shitty of me, but I was 22.
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Nice one mate.(Y)
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Thank you
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Poor kitty..... you're my hero
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1000000 Kudos for you.
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Outstanding! You should have kicked her before leaving. :)
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Thank you. That other persons right, you should have kicked her before leaving!
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good job taking the kitten, I would have raided her kitchen too,
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You did the right thing she was a bad owner and that little didn't deserve her crap. I would have put a cat turd on her pillow.
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Alright good on you, Good on you.
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I'm a cat owner and I suppose his actions =^.^=
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Whoops.... Stupid k/b. I meant to say,I'm a cat owner and I support his actions =^.^=
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lol, I salute you sir
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aww.. that seems to be guys' weakness (babies whether they are human or not). My bf has that weakness also. :) Way to go!! :)
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glad she didnt have a kid! thank you!!
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lol..why sleep with the b****!? Take the kitten and bounce, she was obviously a piece of human garbage, I hope you at least you came on her face.
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You are awesome....did she call you to find her kitty?
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I can't believe you stole a girl's pussy while she slept... lol, nice.
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You're my hero. <3
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I went home with someone once and stole their favorite sweater - Oh wait, that's not exactly the same, is it?
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**** hey OP, i'm a zappa fan and never heard that quote. Where can i find it?
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what bar did you meet her in..
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Did it say he took the kitten to a kill shelter. not all animal shelters euthanize, some are purely adoption agencies where euthanization is a last resort in the event of serious illnesses. Maybe he kept the kitten to ensure it had a good home. But in any event the cat is safer with him or at a shelter than with a person who kicks it. And to the person who said the girl might have kicked it to keep it from rubbing against her... thats a shitty thought eh. An animal loves you and you kick it? She was an undeserving cunt anyway, she didnt deserve a loving kitten.
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The OP has already said that he kept the kitten and that the cat lived 17 years with him.Great story OP. Perhaps you could have changed a few things if you could go back but hell, you did the right thing in the long run and I commend you.
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I wish everyone would do the right thing....thank heavens you saved the kitty.
although, how in the world did you sleep with that woman, yuck.
it would be so great if people would never look away, when they see cruel behavior, always stepping up, always speaking up!!!
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marry me!
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Wait a minute, you slept with the chick anyway? If she could treat a kitten that way, her other pussy couldn't be in too good of shape either.
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good for you man, that was the right thing to do.
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For 15 years on a farm just outside a 70,000 population city I had maybe 80 pregnant mother cats left there without saying anything. I never gave any kittens(or mother cats) back to any of the drop-off humans. I found responsible new humans to love the kittens.
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so you got pussy in more than one way that night!!!
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| sweet of you...
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very cool
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Glad you saved the cat, weirded out that you could bang someone who kicks kittens.
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Nothing sub-culture or wierd about improving a potentially life-threatening environment... You're so Pro-Active! Who..., me? Ahh, yeh (ahem!) yah well, I steal the sickest or the one who's bowl lost the label, but I steal Tetra Betas fro PetCo, the dirty bastards. Keeping those poor beautiful things in those awful plastic cups with 2" of water, THEN when one gets sick, all of them do and they're sitting on the shelves, some dead, some on their last fin (so to speak), well, I stick those guys under my jacket, sport 'em outta there to my home, giv them good Beta medicine (Jungle makes the best), keep their bowls clean and pH balanced and its a pretty big bowl(all separate ov course) too where they see one another and flair and strut around. They can be with me as long as they can. So how's that folks for animal-human humane interaction?... heh, heh, heh
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Hooray for kitties!!! Best one night stand ever.
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you should have beat her ass in also
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My kitten and I love you. Good Job!!!!
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i like you a lot
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Before you left, you should have kick her twice in front of the kitten!! Good job.
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You should have kicked the girl in the stomach so she may never reproduce.
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Good job!
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After we were done??? You are a pathetic hypocrite
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If I were a guy and saw a girl kick a kitten, I would be so physically turned off I wouldn't want to f*** her. She must've been really hot.
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I bet she wondered how she got such a juicy pus
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if you saw someone KICKING their kid around you wouldnt call social services? yes taking a child is wrong. but a cat is different unfortunately there is no jail time for abusing an animal just a harsh fine. i'm glad you took the kitten karma dude!
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Awwwwwwwww!!!!! This shouldn't be a secret!You should tell everyone!!!
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