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I'm a guy, and I think sports are ridiculous.   I think they are the new opium of the masses.A bunch of millionaires tossing balls around and we pay to watch.

I'm a guy, and I think sports are ridiculous. I think they are the new opium of the masses.A bunch of millionaires tossing balls around and we pay to watch.

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I happen to agree....I hate sports, NO ONE should get paid that much money to play games. it is a travesty to our nation that puts games above all other things.
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yeah. why not feed or clothe the poor starving Africans with that money? why? why ? why? This world is messed up.
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I agree.
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This same poster has multiple "in the closet" gay posts :(
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I also hate stick and ball games
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I love sports!
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Like the gladiators of Rome to pacify the populace.
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You're right, I don't have a problem with HS and college sports, but to see these guys who do nothing but train and play as a full time occupation, be treated as heroes, and paid more per year that you and I will make in a lifetime, just irks the hell out of me.
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playing sports is fun, watching someone else play sports is not.
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I'm a man, and I agree. Kids everywhere admire these prima-donnas, and I seldom hear much about them doing much with all that money to help the kids.
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Sports, the NEW opium of the masses? My good man, have you ever heard of a people called the Romans?
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i bet your a weak pussy too...
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if it wasnt for sports and the health club i work at; i'd probly be just another sad obese statistic. stop hating and start playing!!!
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Honestly, I've played sports at a HS and Collegiate level all of my life. Sports is the only thing that has kept me out of trouble. I live in a low income neighborhood, so when the rest of my friends were out stealing and doing drugs I was on the basketball court keeping my grades up so I could play. Sports ARE good for somethings!
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I glad I'm not the only one who feels this way.
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I think your gay,why don't you go do pilates with the girls.
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professional sports is rediculous! how does a grown man get paid millions to throw a ball around, but cops, firemen and (women), and paramedics get paid just above minimum wage? there is something wrong with society when some one who saves lives gets paid so little compared to someone who plays a game.
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I like the type of motorsports where the teams barely make enough for beer afterwards. They're much more balls-out.
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It'S NOT SPORTS ANY MORE it's just a job for them
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The poor staarving Africans? What about the poor starving Americans? I agree sports people are over paid but they are good for some people
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Be Happy you are sitting in your easy chair, drunk on cheap beer, watching spoiled millionaires play a game for $ 100's of thousands of dollars while your credit card payments are due. America, where are you?
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