Places for help:
If you cant go on:
The only reason I haven't killed myself yet is because im afraid theres really a God.  Everything everywhere around everyone i find reasons to say f*** it...

The only reason I haven't killed myself yet is because im afraid theres really a God. Everything everywhere around everyone i find reasons to say f*** it...

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Category: secrets

I think about that all the time. I think...if there is a ending the pain now worth the pain I COULD spend in hell? Will god forgive me? Am I willing to take that chance. Sometimes I feel like no pain in the afterlife can be as bad as it is now. So I know where you are coming from.
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It's not a God issue, except for you. If there is a God, he loved you enough to have made you in the first place. If you are worthy of His love, why not yours? I personally would like to know you, and I'm sure many of the people around you would be more supportive if they knew your pain. What are some of the things that you can't deal with? I'll be you are stronger than you think.
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Titus 1:2 In hope of eternal life,which God,that cannot lie,promised before the world began. Hang in there things get rough even for those who belive in God thru Jesus. I hope you come to know God thru Jesus. That you may find the peace that God can give. Please dont give up
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Both of you don't do it! I have been in a lot of pain myself but it gets better and sometimes it gets worse. Life is hard. Like the first poster said and lyrics from a song "when there's nothing left to burn you have to set yourself on fire...Live through this, and you won't look back..." "This too shall pass". All sound trite when you feel your lowest but they are true. Stay here and see what is yet to come :)
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I'm with you on that my friend. The risk of hell (even though I'm not particularly religeous) is not one I want to take, so for me ending it is not an option. Think about it though: in a few decades we'll all be gone anyway, so surely better to ride it out and do the best we can with our time here. Good luck.
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Maybe it's not the idea of a Christian hell that's stopping you, but yourself expressing a desire to keep going.
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If you're going to end your life anyway, go out and do absolutely EVERYTHING you've always been afraid of trying or doing. What have you got to lose, right? Ask that girl out that you've always been afraid would reject you, go skydiving, whatever. What's the worst that could happen? Nothing as bad as dying right? I'll bet you find something worth living for in the process. And know that there are people who care about you; I do.
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Nothing changes if nothing changes.
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Once again someone is blaming God for about you're just affraid of dying period. Here's a thought, try challenging yourself to find things to live for. I know that it's against modern lifestyle to actually work for something, but sometimes you just have to put in the effort.
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why dont you guys go f*** your self for saying there no god and just letting this person to go kill her self...there is a god so dont kill ur self why dont you try moving and starting over there plenty of different ways to solveur problems then doing such a selfish act and going out the easy way DONT GIVE UP
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i understand your plight. you are in my prayers. I am sorry there are so many ppl who feel the need to abuse you here.
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Wow I feel the exact same thing. I'm so afraid to go to hell that I even freak out when theres something cooking in the oven or when I'm near boiling water. I just can't help to think, that could be me in there
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The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is a 24-hour, toll-free suicide prevention service available to anyone in suicidal crisis. If you need help, please dial 1-800-273-TALK (8255). You will be routed to the closest possible crisis center in your area. With more than 130 crisis centers across the country, our mission is to provide immediate assistance to anyone seeking mental health services. Call for yourself, or someone you care about. Your call is free and confidential.
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dude, i completely want to end my life, but i don't for the same reason, i am so f***ed in my head on the inside and on the outside you would never notice, i thought about doing myself in last weekend and these two latterday saints dudes walked up my steps and knocked on my door, i did not let them in but it was a sign all the same. has this happened to you
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To the poster about god being a concept devised by ancient people who had no more technology then the wheel. show some respect those people created the calendar we still use today, built buildings that we cannot recreate without machines, and charted the stars with telescopes not much better then a pair of binoculars and to the poster dont kill yourself you'll regret it the next morning :)no but seriously through struggle comes greatness stick it out lifes waiting right around the corner.
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i know the feeling till i got got caught and went to the county shrink and saw real people with really serious problems after that life wasn't so bleak i have that to think about when i feel down iv been unemployed for over 10years due to a stroke at 23 im now 35
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When I was young , I did not know if there was a God. One day I started to read the New Testament. I argued with everything. Then, after coming to the end of myself , I called on Jesus, expecting nothing. To my total surprise, he spoke my name. I was changed in an instant. Nearly uncontainable joy filled my being. I knew him and he knew me. During this time I had it very difficult with family. Surrender to the Lord on his terms.
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tomorrow will be a better'll see :)
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