Really? A polygraph for robbing a store?
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ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha, that's just too funny, loser!
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Tell and be proactive everyday you wait will make it worse! Good luck and Bless you.
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You are only a victim if you choose to be! As long as you feel you're a victim, you always will be! Get off your ass and prove me right!!!
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You're in it together..."For better or For worse"remember those vows you both took before God and everyone who loves you.Get a grip,you owe it to her.
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Be strong
Get up and get busy.
You can make it.
You are so much better off than sooo many.
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I do agree that you need to tell her. She has a right to know, and she does want to be your teammate (at least she did on the wedding day). Now's the time to pull each other thru.
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Tell her. Everything always works out. It will be ok. Maybe not today, but someday soon. Good luck and God bless.
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