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I'm the one who boosts everyone up. Cheerleader for the world. 
<br/>No one knows I'm the one who needs someone to help me out of my hell.

I'm the one who boosts everyone up. Cheerleader for the world.
No one knows I'm the one who needs someone to help me out of my hell.

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Category: secrets

Ra ra ra you you you!!!! Hope that helps
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it's not easy to seek out support, when you are busy supporting others. but some day, Atlas will shrug.
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I know how you feel. I'm the same way. It's funny how they don't notice that we need cheering too.
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They don't know if you don't ask.
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did i finally write this down?
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I've asked they walked away.
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I do the same thing.
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I totally can relate. I'm the worship leader in our church of about 500 people, and yet I don't know many at all on any kind of deep level. That's why this year I'm seriously considering taking some time off for me and my family, and just warming up the I can be one of them, and they can get to know the real me. You gotta stand up and be yourself. It's a great feeling, and you obviously have people who are encouraging you!
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It's OK. Someone has to cheer. Just remember to cheer for yourself. I have felt the same so many times, but remembering that I made someone feel better is the best drug I ever took.
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hey guys thanks for the comments! I have these talks with people and it's just the way we are....we like to help, it makes us feel better. The other side of the coin is that we just don't have it in us to ask, so, agreed. I do have some great support.....I think it's a matter of finding a good balance with friendships that are not one-sided. I love this site!!!
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And they never will until you let down the facade and are honest about how you feel. Trust me, I know-- I've been masking my own hell for ten years now. But the longer I went, the more pointless it became until I had a complete and utter breakdown. The hardest thing I ever did in my entire life was ask for help. When you're ready, you'll be able to too. Just don't wait until it's too late... *hugs*
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Unfortunately; Friends, Family, Associates, Lovers, Children, are Selfish! Who knew that you would be the savior of their world! GOD BLESSES PEOPLE LIKE YOU!! I've always been the cheerleader: Now I need a cheerleader!! Your story is so poignant, I live it!!
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I have always been the one to make people feel better, pick them up etc. Sometimes you have to get past your own ego and become the receiver. It's hard to do when you are used to being the giver. Someone wise once told me to give people the pleasure of helping me. They were right. I get pleasure out of making my family and friends feel better so why should they not get the same in return? It IS hard to be vulnerable though but give it a try!
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ACT Get help
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If you're always the cheerleader, then you put yourself in that position. Sounds like you did the cheerleading in expectation of a great reward, that wasn't honest, it was devious. Maybe you're not REALLY this bright, beautiful person you claim to be....
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I very much can relate to this post. I must mention what a friend told me of my 'cheer leading:' "Would they do it for you?" Friend was the preacher's wife. No matter either way. I enjoy sharing laughter and positive things. Besides - We can never give to others w/o giving to ourselves.
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