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When i was young i met and fell in love with my 1st cousin. We have an amazing child that he denies. Shame keeps him from showing love to his   only son.

When i was young i met and fell in love with my 1st cousin. We have an amazing child that he denies. Shame keeps him from showing love to his only son.

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Category: secrets

Second the above
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Third. It's final. Keep a lid on it.
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I agree with all the above. Don't tell the kid. He would be ashamed. I know I would.
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At the very least you ought to learn the father's medical history in case the kid suffers from some malady later in life.
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hey, that was wrong about arkansas! get your facts straight, jack ass.
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He cant hide behind pride with a DNA test that says hes the daddy. get one, court ordered if need be, and make him own up! As for your son, he will know the truth, not now, not to soon, but he will know! children are not stupid.
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the top four of you should be ashamed! If two people love each other, be it family, gay, or not, they syhould be able to be together. Sure, the kid should know! One day he's bound to ask questions!
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^^ That's not a well thought out sentiment. Blood relatives shouldn't "be together" because procreation leads to genetic defects, thus, dilution of the gene pool. That's NOT why we procreate, it's to make stronger more virulent babies for prosperity.
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This is common in manay other cultures.
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Not shame. Perhaps the fact that f***ing a 1st cousin is know as incest and is prosecutable to the full extent of the law. If you really wanted to be a cunt, you could force him to take a DNA test and then he could relish in the though of seeing his son visit him, and you, in prison. Dumb b**** ... get a life, and close your legs
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In my youth, I lusted after my first cousin. I knew any relationship other than familial was wrong, but she was beautiful, smart, witty and very sexy. Fifty years later, and she now probably weighs close to 300 lbs., but I'd STILL hit it. Go figure.
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