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My boss thinks I'm loyal, but I really hate her and can't wait for eventual termination.  That will be a happy day!!

My boss thinks I'm loyal, but I really hate her and can't wait for eventual termination. That will be a happy day!!

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Category: secrets

What kind of f***ed up exit stategy is that?
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Grow a pair and quit. +1 on the exit strategy. Real winner here folks! Let me know when you're available- I'll see if our company has an opening!
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It's ok, I understand you, I hate my boss also but we all gotta eat so keep your chin up and don’t let one person determine your happiness.
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I hated my boss too, I still do. She fired me after working for her for 8 years because I got in an argument with her worthless, drunk, loser son. I may be broke, but I have never been happier.
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Her countdown until getting a pinkslip may be long enough to damage your own well being. It never hurts to look for another job incase she is holding something over the company's head that guarantees her a job.
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most employees are lazy worthless being, you can hate your but you must do your work that you're paid to do. Its not easy to a boss, your work never ends. Employees don't know that because they're stupid.
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go into business for yourself, and work for a real a-hole !
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