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I was so much happier when i broke the law every chance i got.

I was so much happier when i broke the law every chance i got.

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I was so much happier beating the shit out of kids who liked to break into my house every chance they got.
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ha me too but I live the family life now with a husband and a toddler.
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I wanna see if you are still happy when the cops "taze" you bro!
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skirting the law can be immensely fun . i made killer cash by growing grass for decades .
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No doubt the cops were too. Every time they get a collar they get closer to a promotion.
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I hear you! Now I have such a bring, cookie cutter life....:(
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I have always broken laws and been kind of a sociopath. This was true in school, in college, and the navy. Everywhere I have been I have broken all kinds of laws for which I could have done a lot of time. I have settled down now, and have a family to raise. (Nobody would ever believe I was capable of this in a hundred years!)
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