trust me, i know the desire for a child, but enjoy your life now. no one truly tells you how hard being a parent is until its too late. its the hardest thing in the world. you no longer own your life. it belongs to that baby. enjoy being able to do as you wish, worry about having a baby after 25 at least. trust me
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^ fantastic advice. Parenting is tough. You're 18. Babies are expensive too. How are you going to support it? Even if you have a good job, daycare is like $600-$700 a month. And you're bf may bolt on you then there you are. Please don't say that your mom n dad will help you out with money or watching the baby. That's not fair to them. They've raised their family and are probably ready to start another chapter of their lives. Your 18. Wait wait wait. It will be the biggest mistake of your life. Babies are precious and not mistakes don't get me wrong but timing is everything. You've got another 20 years to have babies. You're not ready yet!!
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You are immature. Grow up.
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Babies are work. Then when the kid finally grows up enough to where they are not work, they start getting homework. If you are a good parent you will sit down and help your child with homework. So that is more work. Wait until you are in your late 20's or early 30's and all of the partying and hanging out with your friends is out of your system.
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having a baby with a guy is no guarantee that he'll stick around
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My 18 y/o daughter just had a baby and hates every aspect of it, only took her 4 weeks of caring for it when she decided that it needed to be adopted. Newborns wake up every 2 hrs at night and you have to get up with them and they stay up for about an hour. You will have a headache for a month because of not getting any sleep. You have plenty of time to be an adult but not a lot of time to be a kid.. Just be a kid.
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Are you new to this site? They are actually being quite easy on her and truthful I might add
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wtf is aught ? (3 up)
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^4 up, we don't like ftards like you, go away. Your the reason there are 50 thousand preg teans out there
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Teens that fuk are awesome. Teens that get pregnant, not so much
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If you were my kid I'd kick your ass.
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Swallow that baby gravy or have your bf put it in your ass. Stupid stupid girl. You're having sex to keep your bf around because he'll leave if you refuse. Grow up and get married and get a job and a home to raise a child in. Right now you have nothing. Till then, either close your legs, swallow or take it up the ass
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One Up. LOL I second that.
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Try raising one. You only want to feel what it is like to be pregnant and to give birth. The hard part comes after that and that part ain't fun for about 18 years, then it just gets more expensive.
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^uh huh. True. You're not ready girl. You're trying to rush being an adult. You're a kid still. It ain't all it's cracked up to be. Working two jobs, mortgage, insurance, taxes, blah blah blah. Be 18. The world will smack you in the head quick enough. Why rush it. Keep your legs shut and stop being a whore.
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Why are you people all being so uninhibitedly mean? The way I read it she knows it's wrong and knows she doesn't need one but she still has this taboo desire for one. What's so bad about that? You people are acting like she's this whore who doesn't care and just wants a baby for the fact of having a baby. You people aught to be ashamed of yourselves.
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^ you're a whore too
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I agree with with 4 up. Today, 70% of African American women have babies out of wedlock. This is an extension of the MTV generation where they actually have a show called 16 and pregnant. That should tell you something. The moral relativism permeating our society produces people like the op who thinks nothing of deceiving someone for the purpose of their own selfish gain without even considering what this might do to the father of the child by secretly punching a hole in his condom. I can only imagine what kind of parents she has. Our country falls deeper into a hole with each generation. I can imagine the op raising her kid to be a serial killer and telling him it is ok because he/she should be able to do whatever they want regardless who they hurt.
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1 up: I could not say it better myself. I am a social worker. I see these kinds of young women everyday. It is really sad how self-centered they are. The young men are no exception. It is as though they are unable to see consequences.
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1 up continued...the primary reason 70% of African American women are pregnant out of wedlock is due primarily to welfare policies dating back to Lyndon B. Johnson. By giving welfare without a poli9cy in place to ween people off it created an environment where it perpetuates the problem mfrom generation to generation. Not to mention that two parents on welfare when they do not marry. There is more to it, but this is basically the problem.
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1 up continued... Correction, I meant to write "Not to mention that two parents on welfare get more money when they do not marry."
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Just what the world needs. Another illegitimate kid pumped out by a self-centered little twat. There are people out there who have lost their jobs and livelihoods due to the economy and need help, but morons like you thinks its OK just to have a kid just because you want one and receive govt assistance to pay for the kid. Humans are going to have a HUGE wakeup call that there is only so much food and clean water, but selfishly keep reproducing as if its a f*cking game.
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CHILDREN. ARE. NOT. PETS!!! You don't just have one cause you want one at 18. Close your legs. You're a slut that's not smart enough to have a baby yet
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and it should be a crime to do that type of thing, not only do you effect your life, but you alter the life of the father who had no intent of being a father at this time. What a horrible idea. Don't do it.
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Grow up, idiot.
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This kind of thinking is a wonderful example of why today's youth is going to destroy our country when this generation takes over. It is a collective group of total retards.
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1 up. LOL
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Two up: You are absolutely correct. I would add trashy as well. The women of the op's generation are skank 'hos and they are dumbing down.
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....and they cant even spell douche, much less do it
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