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I have never experienced this...

I have never experienced this...

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Category: Secrets

^ I started sing "When a man loves a woman" by Michael Bolton. I think this is my favorite post I've done so far. and ^^ AMEN!
MrMisterRemove this stupid comment

Only if she looks exactly like the girl in this picture.
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But that's not true love-that's hormones. True love is someone who is angry at you but who hugs you anyway. That's so much harder to do.
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My step daughter did on the day she graduated from Army basic training. Before that day we never were close but after her class was dismissed she ran down the hill and leap in my arms and clutched me tightly for a long time.From then on she called me Dad.
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I have, but she was fat, and it was icy outside. When her 240 lbs landed on me after I fell, I blew out 2 discs in my lower back, and the abrasions from the curb required skin grafts.
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My police is never date a girl that can't leap in my arms.
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Be glad because her next move is reaching for your wallet.
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He is getting crabs right now !!!!
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^ I've never had this either, but I've still had a lot of great relationships! Remember one thing: Beware of the things you want, because you may actually get them!
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Possibly because you're neither physically attractive nor interesting.
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I never expereinced jumping into someones arms either becasue I am an obese woman. I wish I could f*** with him holding me up :(
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@@@@ i've had dogs that used to do that, everyday after school i knew lady would be happy to see me and angel too and yuvette and the stray we never named and lad and jeb and the other stray we never named and...get a dog
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ive missed someone beyond words that when i saw him next before he or i could speek i was in his arms. harmones? no! more like being a wander your whole life with no real connection, you just dont fit any where. then one day it catches you by surprise you look into a strangers eyes and your... home. yes its the herdest thing to live with out.
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^ if he isn't there it's not hard for him. when a MAN loves a WOMAN nothing can keep him from her.
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I had a gf who did that. I was ecstatic. Within three years she almost completely destroyed my life. Some people don't know what they want. Others are great actors. The women I've been with since all have deep psych problems, are liars, and many have alcohol and drug issues. Choose wisely.
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^2 She thinks all girls that are hot and under 130lb want your wallet. I smell the jealousy!
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Jealous people are the ugliest people, and most commonly found in libs.
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u never will either..... trust me...u dont want it....its the hardest thing...................................................2lose
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thats a brother and sister pic, in Kentucky !!!
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^It could be two fags from Cal!!!
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^ possibly
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