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Tired of ppl talkn about how they need 2 give men head to keep then around! NO pussy rules the world n women need 2 start 2 realize how powerful that is

Tired of ppl talkn about how they need 2 give men head to keep then around! NO pussy rules the world n women need 2 start 2 realize how powerful that is

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Category: Secrets

I like slobbin tha knob but dang if it dont feel hella good when im gettin that dick ... nice and slow....with a grind at full excertion to tantaluze that clit. Mmmmm.
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The people who talk about needing to give men head have a problem. They enjoy going down and are, for some reason, embarassed to admit it.
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^Aye, you be tellin' it proper matey... Lassy, your panite booty has been stolen by scallywaggin' pirates. Arr...
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^Mr. Crabs??
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Pussy is fantastic! But I do love it when a woman gives me a slow deep wet blowjob.
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I'd rather spend hours eating a sweet clean pussy....then she could get me off anyway she wants !!
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^ Amazing. ;-)
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Women are constantly changing they don't like repetative things is that so bad?
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It isn't so bad that they change IF they don't b**** when men change. I know so many women who cheat on their men and have no problem that they do. Fine, it they don't complain about men cheating. But EVERY single one of those women say that if their man cheated on THEM, that they would castrate him for being a cheating bastard. Now tell me 1^ can you say "is that so bad" to that?
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2^ Surfacey bullshit maybe. People are predictable. They return to the scene off their crimes, they cannot escape the patterns they make. Pay attention, and you'll rarely be surprised.
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Hello Jenny McClean Pensacola airport, Delta ticket counter. Thank you for sucking my cock and letting me f*** you in the over nighters. Your husband needs to go get tested along with all of our coworkers that you f***.lmfao. muahahahaha sorry Earl your wife is a skank but i love f***in her.
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Unqualified generalizations about the behavior of groups are always wrong.
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statements about what is "always wrong" are always wrong
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thats fine have blow jobs and dick up the ass... I will take strap-ons over you little dick any day. I can go to the sperm bank and have a baby without you... good luck adopting ;-)
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Good luck dying alone as a cold shrew b****. Even if you think you are empowered or some other bull shit, you are nothing but alone and facing the fact that you simply aren't good enough for a good man. Must really suck to be you on your way to a sperm bank.
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^ Doesn't sound like a cold shrew b**** to me. There's plenty of guys that like to know she's in charge.
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Sure she will run their lives, but then she will hate them for letting her do it. Women love the idea of "being in charge" but after a short while they start looking to find a real man for sex. They want a bad boy for sex and a wimp in the house. They can't ever be made happy because they are so damned bi polar on what they demand and what turns them on.
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No wonder men are finally learning that women are just a bunch of power hungry C U N T S...... you can not trust them. Soon men will just get their blow jobs from other men or just f***ing do without. Women are simply not worth the trouble.
Remove this stupid comment very sad that you cant get off AND get what you want from a seem to have alot more to learn than you think...
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Pussy is a smelly nasty bloody things...stay away from us.
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Why arewomen so down on themselves that they feel they NEEd to do soething to keep thier man around. He is suppose to Love you unconditionally and if he doesn't then let him go you will be fine without him. Women don't really say hey you have to eat a woman out or else she'll find it somewhere else? WTF but we could and more easily than any man could that's forsure, but then we would be sluts right? This "mans" world thinking has got to go and it starts with us women to stop feeding into what men want. Fuck what they want get what YOU want.
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Now women ONLY go for what THEY want. Selfish b****es still complain how bad they have it when they are more than half of the students in colleges and graduate schools. They did better in this recession, they kept their jobs more than men. They are even cheating more than men now. So why whine about "feeding into what men want"? I don't remember the last time I DIDN'T buy dinner and the show. You want rights and power and position but you DO NOT GIVE BACK. The other thing is, women b**** about working for other women more than then they do working for men. Who is the F'n problem. WOMEN
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