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I honestly feel that if people did not believe in an afterlife ruled by a god, that if there was an understanding life is finite, there would be less war if any

I honestly feel that if people did not believe in an afterlife ruled by a god, that if there was an understanding life is finite, there would be less war if any

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Category: Secrets

I feel so sorry for you that you don't believe in God. God is hope and love!
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maybe belief in God is holding some fools back.
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this is a secret?
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3 up. God is hope? Then really what you are saying is your hope and faith may be just a false sense of security because your hope is not actual truth. I feel so sorry for you that you believe because of fear.
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I don't know if it would stop wars, but it sure would go a long way to stop people from living in fantasy. We have to look only as far as our political system to see that. It appears to me that religion reduces day to day thinking to stupidity
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There is a God, but nobody on Earth goes to Heaven. When you die, you get what God now says we ALL deserve. Worse than hell. Hope you are ready for it.
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You are right. No God, and all but one war is religion based. We need to ban all religion.
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2 up. I am 3 up. Please, spare your pity for me. Really. Religion was not pushed on me. I was not in a cult. I was a baptist. The dogma of the bible itself is pushed on everyone. Don't do this. Don't do that. You'll go to Heel for conducting yourself that way. Then a person is left guilt ridden when they do not live up to whatever standard they, or some church leader interprets for them. I just lost my mom. The way I dealt with it was with just sadness and mourning. Exactly as I did when I was a Christian. You miss her, remenisce about our time together, and wish she were still here. That was exactly the same response I had when my sister died years ago when I was a Christian. Really. It is no difference.
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1 up. I agree. The only difference is that we cannot be creative with the moment and pretend that our loved one is not in heaven and no longer suffering because god had taken away all the pain. We just morn the loss and think how grateful we are that the one we love no longer hurts.
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1 ^ That's correct.
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Thanks for the insite that you all have given to me. I have been interested in how things are dealt with when one is not a religious or Christan person.
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You are right.
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10,000 religions in the sure you chose the 'right' one?
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You know some of the post on here are really sad. You must really hate everything in your lives to write such awful things about someone's beliefs. Would you write the same things about all religions or just Christans?
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1 up All religions. Believers live in a fairytale somewhere between OZ and Wonderland. I mean, come on. Look how gullible people are in society. They are led by the nose by television commercials, and they follow blindly people such as their preachers and politicians. It is as if because they give this blind allegience to their god, they in turn do the same in their lives as it is connected to society.
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1 up. The government has been using religion to manipulate the people since civilization began.
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3 up. I am not unhappy at all. I love life far more now than I ever did as a Christian. Most notibly the absence of guilt the religious culture pushed onto me. Why would people have to be sad only because they make fun of people who they think are ignorant and should know better?
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I am truly sorry for you. It sounds like you had religion pushed on you. You are right, there are a lot people that stand on street corners and talk about sinners and going to hell. As a Christan I don't like that kind of preaching but there are people who do. I am not going to tell you that you are going to hell for not believing, that isn't for me to decide. If you are happy then so be it. I have a question that I have always wanted to ask people who do not believe in anything, what do you do when you are in pain or have a loved one who sick or dying? Do you just say oh well to bad or just what do you do? I am being very serious about this how do you get comfort? From drinking, doing drugs? What? I truly want to know. I have no clue what a person who doesn't believe in something does?
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a power controls this universe, it is powerfull and can be called on anytime, anywhere, it is you it is me.... it is everywhere and anything...... It does not need to be worshiped.... you don't and can't buy it.... IT IS YOU..... BECOMING YOU.....
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continued....Whay would I want to confront the Muslims? Hell, I already know they hate me right up front. With Christians, they will say they love, want peace, and want to help the poor. But their actions dictate that They love only those who think like them(as the Muslims do). They want peace but start wars everywhere(like the Muslims). They say they want to help the poor, then support right-wing politicians who want to cut food stamps and welfare for lowest in our society(The Muslims pretend to love the Palestinians, then refuse to open there borders with Egypt being an exception.
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1 ^. Well said!
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I,too, believe Jesus was a homosexual. It is the reason Jesus named his first deciple Peter.
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Of course Jesus was gay...and his favorite lover was John the Beloved. The reason Judas said he didn't know Jesus, was because he was still in the closet.
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1 up: Baaahahahahaha! Baaaaaaaaahahahahaha!
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5^ You are a disgusting cretin! What you said is so horrible and vile that I think you are the homosexual!! You stupid BASTARD!!, Jesus is NOT GOD! Jesus is the SON of GOD!!Get off the web you degenerate and learn something besides filth and sex!! Here's any question for you, you vile parasite Would you say that about Allah to a group of Muslims?
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^Jesus makes me horny. I bet he had a 12 inch dick. I wish I could get into a time machine and f*** Jesus before he was crucified
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did the term Allah come from ...All a h ?
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4 up. That is so f***ing halarious
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4 up. Why are you so upset with what I said in the 9th post? Of course Jesus said he was god. It is right in the bible where jesus said he was the I Am. Don't you remember reading it? That's when the rest of the jews screamed, "Hang that boy like a black man!" Ok, that last statement was from the Christian New Testament Translation bible. But the rest of it is straight from the King(Lebron)James version.
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5 up: Hey, I am neither stupid nor a bastard. If you know something I do not about my birth, I would greatly appreciate if you will share what you know with me in private.
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The reason we atheists spend so much time trying to convence others that there is no god is because we are tired of watching our society decay behind a wall of religious liars.
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I think Jesus was a homosexual. I mean, if he is god, why would he want to be surrounded by only males as deciples? Can you imagine Jesus giving blowjobs? LOL. I wonder if he liked cum facials being squirted on his beard. I bet he did. I will also bet that if he was giving blowjobs and the guy he was blowing could not cum, Jesus raised his eyes and arms toward the sky and said, "My God! My God! Why have thou forsaken me?"
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1 up LOL That would make a good porn movie.
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I think Jesus took Mary's virginity.
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^ you guys are cracking me up.
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he wanted to be "hung"....they misunderstood him
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I get where you are coming from OP but I think the problem lies more with religion and telling people who and what god is. All religion is mind control. If there is a god (which I feel there is) no one knows who or what it is and all religion does is keep humanity disconnected and from finding out what gos is. And I also agree it is stupid to count on god to be "hope and love". We need to take action in our lives not be stuck in be-LIEf. Love is an action by the way, not a disconnected concept.
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2 up. Prove it to us
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2 up. I am an athiest and your statement actually moved me a bit. Thanks for the introspection.
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I am an athiest too....I SWEAR to God !!!
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A fool has said in his heart there is no God. God told us everything He wanted to know in His word. The Bible. All of you that misquote it and like to bash it have never read it and have no idea what it says. It's His instruction book for life. How to live it and what to do on accordance with His will. He created us to love Him and worship Him. He does not need us. We need Him and will face Him one day. Every knee shall bow and every tounge will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. That means all of us. Even athiests and those who spend all their time trying to convince everyone He doesn't exist. You too will bow in His presence, and will account for your life. And I never understood why so many people spend so much time trying to convince people they don't believe in something. If you don't believe, you don't believe. Why spend so much time trying to convince people. I think you're trying to convince yourself.
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The world would be a better place with no religion and no god. Only idiots believe in an imaginary being. The god in the bible is a hateful vengful nasty being anyway, why would anyone want to worship that????
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