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I switch radio stations/whatever when the song Monster(by Skillet)comes on. My friends think that I dislike the song. Really, it's b/c it hits too close to home

I switch radio stations/whatever when the song Monster(by Skillet)comes on. My friends think that I dislike the song. Really, it's b/c it hits too close to home

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Category: Secrets

You will never find the answers to life's philosophical questions through a song. Only reading and experience will do that.
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I am with you OP. i love that song. but sometimes i feel like telling everyone im a monster.but i never do. i just let them think im this innocent, sweet girl from southern IN.
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every girl I ever met from southern In. was awesome !!
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^^That is because those Indiana girls never told you there is a monster lurking inside.
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4^ Huh? Actually all philosophy can be summed up through lyrics and even instrumentals. Songs can even create dialogue, asking and answering each other. As for the OP, you'll find out that the monster has its uses and repression has its costs.
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Maybe you need to listen to more National Public Radio
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^^^ 3up...the only thing lurking inside those southern In. girls was me !!
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NPR needs to fall into the deepest part of the ocean. What a stupid post...NPR, really? This is a post from a person who feels like there's something surging under the flesh and you want to have them listen to lies. Stupid ass...OP, I love the song and I feel the words as well. My own prison gets to me too.
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^ You're a dumbass. How is NPR lies? Mostly they just have people on and debate. Sometimes they have news or relaxing chamber music or jazz. On sundays there's an improv comedy show. WTF is wrong with you? Oh right, you're a monster...more commercialized rock adulation, f***ing blow my head off.
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