Places for help:
If you cant go on:
I'm on ss but really want to start a business. If I lose my health care I lose every thing. I hate being a  ss looser. I love to work.

I'm on ss but really want to start a business. If I lose my health care I lose every thing. I hate being a ss looser. I love to work.

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Category: Secrets

You're allowed to make $800 or $900 a month, and still collect ss. They won't take it from you for 9 months, if you make more. You're not a loser. I'm on it, too, I would like to find a job that I can do, someday. Good luck....
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^^^^WHO are you calling a loser??
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are you the a** **** that called me a looser on my suicide post???? (the one with the sad green thing?!?)
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Why do you have to worry about what you make on social security? If you make enough in your own business, you can do like the rest of us do and buy your own insurance!
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^^You are a f***ing loser.
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Don't listen to the haters! I've been down and out and I know what it's like. Good luck and G-d bless.
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