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i broke up with my best friend....she is self destructing and i dont know what to do to help her.  maybe i'm not that good of a friend after all.....

i broke up with my best friend....she is self destructing and i dont know what to do to help her. maybe i'm not that good of a friend after all.....

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Category: Secrets

They have to want help. Sometimes there is nothing you can do. Just tell her you'll be there to listen.
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I know how you feel. My best friend a meth addict and refuses help. I have tried numerous times to help her, but I can't stand to watch her destroy her life anymore. So I had to let her go. Maybe someday she will snap out of it and come back.
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you probably did the right thing.
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thx, heres to you finding a new best friend.
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are you going to tell me before i go? please don't use me for other purposes. i am looking forward to coming back just to see you?
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Well, when the two of you start the 7th grade, it will be better
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I did the same earlier this year. It stinks but I'm not going to watch someone I care deeply for continue to damage himself. It would be different if my presence or care made any difference, but life goes on.
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My best friend broke up with me, but thats because she's a dumb b****. Sorry for your loss, but your probably better off without her self-destructing behavior around you and your life.
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I broke up with mine too. She never made a right choice for her life. 3 kids by a married man. Married a grandpa with Hep C.. dropped out of school. Makes minimum wage. I'm there every time she needs something, problem was ash was always so f***ed up, that she could never be there for me.
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^ dont appear very bright getting tied up with that mental midget...actually rather DIM !!!
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I had to let my best friend go. She got heavy into drugs, wouldn't quit and refused help. I told her that when she was ready for help to call me that I would be there. She's working on getting her life in order but it may be too late for her marriage or child.
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You can't save 'em all. Just try not to be next to them when they go off!
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Friendship is a two way street. If your friend is self-destructing, you can't let her take you down with her. Sometimes we have to make these hard choices to protect ourselves.
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