2^ You missed Kinsey's chapter on child sexuality, moron. Try commenting on something you know.
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Whoever thinks she looks older than 22 must be about 10 or 12. At that age, everyone looks old. The girl in the pic looks about 19, tops.
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Kids touch themselves a lot and they can orgasm.
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She looks more like 18 - but I could help her out with some new techniques.
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she diddled herself "by accident" for more than 5 minutes and then...
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im 27 w/two kids and neither have i =( it IS SAD! i feel for ya.
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ROFL @ "30ish"! What a joke. Not even close. You clearly know nothing about age progression.
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I agree, she looks older than 22. Maybe around 30ish.
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I did not miss shit but you missed the boat for sure dumbass pervert.
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Sixty years ago, people got married when they were 18-20 years old, and headed up families when they were in their early twenties. The kids who didn't marry out of high school went to college, trade school, or into the service. Now we are a nation of overgrown teenagers who shirk any kind of personal responsibility because raising a family is "too hard!"
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TO A MAJORITY OF YOU PEOPLE ABOVE ME POSTING: All of you saying that "Oh she's 22 and has kids, that is terrible, it's disgusting, she's a whore, who would do that, not me!" You're all f***ing stupid. Have you ever thought that maybe she wanted to have kids? I am 22 years old and I have a daughter. And my husband and I are trying for our second. We have amazing jobs and have a great salary. We have a beautiful home and two cars. Along with great vacations and amazing things! But we also have the most amazing, healthy, funny, gorgeous daughter and want more. So, does age have anything to do with having children? Just because we decided to get started on our lives early and not party and have "fun", we're all of the quoted things you people mentioned above? Well, to all of you, you're close-minded idiots that really need to go back to college and get an education. :-D I'll continue poppin' out children at my own discretion. :-D <333
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Honey,your problem is really simple. You just need a little bondage in your life.
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Maybe it's the grandma glasses that make her look older. She is older than a teen or early 20s for sure.
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Well, I also don't know about her being only 22. Look close, around the head, hair and neck, this girl is older than 22.
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To tell the truth, she really does look older than 22. Sorry but it's the truth.
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maybe 21, tops
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ahhh.now i know...every time i give a girl i met an O ,it's seem co hard to get rid of after that.
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How can you have an O by accident?
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I met a woman who said the same thing. It changed the first time I slept with her. I think you are with people who do not know what they are doing.
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uh not bullshit.. it was an accident and at the time of course i didn't know what was going on and just like the feeling of it... but i'm not asking anyone to believe me... it was just a post!yes the picture is of myself!!
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IF that's you in the pic, you're cute and it's a shame you haven't had one from sex. I have the same prob. It maybe you just aren't into the people you're having "relations" with, or you stress yourself out, or the other person just doesn't know what your REALLY like.
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well if thats you in the picture, ill give you one (im a 22y/o with similar frusrations)
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