Giver a hug and say thanks for taking this 2 timing a** **** off my hands.And remember to tell her shes next.
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you can take your anger out on me and repeatedly kick me in the balls:) You should leave that yahoo though, he's a piece o shit.
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Let Ol'Tyrone take care of it. Alabama Black Snake and a video camera fix it right quick. Sore knees will be the least of girl friends problems.
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have a shot of tequila before you meet her lol it will take the edge off, or smoke a joint if your into that idk but thats a bit stressful. I am assuming you have children or something otherwise why would you be meeting this woman?
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Why do you have to meet her? Do something else and tell both to kiss your sweet ass.
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and realize that he is an idiot for walking away from someone who loves as devotedly as you.
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You will recover!!
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I went to an outdoor wedding today. The bride and groom were brought up by traditional and religious parents. The bride and groom went to school and did well and graduated college and have good jobs. They did not rush into marriage. They took those vows seriously and think they will be very happpy together. Why can't everyone else just embrace these values and get on with it.
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STOP thinking your life depends on him. Good Grief, haven't you had enough of that trash? Drop him and get on with a decent life. PS You do NOT have to meet anyone you do not want to.
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Why dont you accept her as a second wife? Dont let him replace you just because he loves her doesn't necessarily mean that he no longer loves you. Men are able to love more than one woman.
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^ you are such an idiot. The only time a poly relationship works is when BOTH people WANT it. "Just accept her as a second wife" Do you think hubby would "Just accept her boning others"? Stupid stupid stupid.
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wtf do u need to meet her for? Does someone have a gun to ur head and making u meet her?
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Stop being a baby. Kick him in the nads and send him packing. Children, sheesh!
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if you meet thank her for taking him, and tell her to remember because down the raod it will be her meeting his girlfriend
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'have to' ???
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I am guessing that this has something to do with another family member, maybe a kid or something - you are a bigger better person for doing this - remember the best revenge is living well. You are going to do fine and he will someday regret what he has done and by then you will be long gone...
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