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I have recently been considering the idea of moving away from my parents and never speaking to them again.

I have recently been considering the idea of moving away from my parents and never speaking to them again.

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I consider this all the time but never have the heart to do it.
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the bitterness of hating your parents will hurt you more than anyone else. you can move away, but the hatred will stay with you. let go of it.
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If you are that ungrateful, you would be doing them a favor by leaving. At least they would not waste any more time on you.
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you have to be real about it. every teenager is going to hate their parents, at least for a bit. it's practically like puberty.
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you WILL regret it later in life.
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WHY ???
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At the age of 32, I am at the same point in my life.. I only wish I would have done this sooner. They will never have the satisfaction of destroying my children, they way they destroyed me...
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You might miss them more than you think when they're gone. My dad could be the biggest pr*ck but when he died, I still can't seem to get over it.
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Yeah that will help everything.
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I have two children who have done this. They do not know what a relief it is to have them totally gone.
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Reading this makes me love my wonderful family even more. Good luck!!
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To the person that thinks you are ingrateful I am glad your life was hunky-dory! I want to move away too! My mother chose drugs alchohol, and men over me and now she is always at my house because I can help her! She lived a block away from me growing up I didn't see her for a year! She wasn't there for bdays, xmas, or anything that was important in my life... she let me meet my father at 16 and she slept with him after half an hour of talking. Save your breathe mommy dearest!
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Been there, done that and I have no regrets. This past summer while surfing the internet I not only found out that my mother had died 3 1/2 years ago but my half brother had gone to her grave to commit suicide as well. When law enforcement arrived, he raised his weapon and they killed him. I felt intense remorse for him but actually nothing for my (our) mother, only a curiosity as to the cause of her death which I still do not know. Thus, no childhood bonding. I do not regret the withdrawal.
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I did this too at about age 20...6 years ago. Moved from the east coast to the west coast and stopped talking to not only my parents but also my grandparents and for me personally, It's been the best choice and I don't regret it one bit. Obviously though it depends on how bad your parents actually are.
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Me too I really don't like my mom. She is ridiculous and I feel like i'm not doing anything here. age(24)
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Thats actually a really good idea. I love it.
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I got so tired of hearing bs from my mother I stopped speaking to her years ago. I am a happier person as a result. I am also POSITIVE I will not regret it later. I will only go to her funeral to make sure she is dead! Of course, being my mother, she'll probably die owing a bunch of people money....
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you have a very very very valid and respectable yearning. just move away.. but don't say you'll never talk to them again. I know the feeling and I followed through with it. it's liberating and everyone knows you still love them. that never goes away.. grab hold and make the world yours!
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Maybe if you can put some space between you and your parents, it would help to heal your heart. Good luck.
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It's an road, know it's a hard one but it can help to have some distance.
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I did that very thing myself and it was everything I hoped it would be
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I have consider this too but know that in the end it will cost them too much I live in a different state now..
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I can't really speak on this issue effectively without knowledge of the root cause for your situation. If you decide to move away and no longer speak with them, do yourself a favor and send them a note once in a while to let them know you're doing alright. -esc
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Move to the other side of the world, it can be liberating. Space and time can heal things, you don't need to commit to never speaking to them again however.
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Bad least respect them as your parents. Move away...that's all good pal, but no speekee....well that's just childish and immature.
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Crossed my mind, then they died; now Im a n orphan.
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who should deserve such punishment? My sister in law did this to her mother and for 30 years it tears my mother in law apart.
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My dad died of cancer, go
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I'm currently never speaking to my parents again. I feel alive and well, and am happier than I've ever been. Don't listen to these people, they don't know what your parents put you through.
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