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I often see this picture without me in it.  My dad killed himself when I was 11 and it killed a piece of me...... The only thing stopping me is my kids....

I often see this picture without me in it. My dad killed himself when I was 11 and it killed a piece of me...... The only thing stopping me is my kids....

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Category: Secrets

I hope I live long enough to see my kid graduate, earn a degree, get a great job, get married, and have my grandkids. Don't you want to see that too?
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The reason you have those because your Father did it. Talk to any suicide prevention organization...if you do it...the odds of your children doing it too are MUCH higher. You in fact could be the cause of the death of your own kids. So GREAT that you are AWARE and CONSCIOUS enough NOT to do this to them. Call suicide prevention if you ever feel the need. They are great at talking with people. The thoughts are simply grey matter telling you they are real. They aren't. They are JUST thoughts.
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Don't. I see the children left without a mother and they are sad.
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It wasn't your fault...try to move past it for your kids sake.
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