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i work 10 hour days at a hospital,come home cook,clean and take care of our 3yr old son,why is it the only thing my husband can say is"lets fuck"why do i bother

i work 10 hour days at a hospital,come home cook,clean and take care of our 3yr old son,why is it the only thing my husband can say is"lets fuck"why do i bother

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Category: Secrets

God this is the most frustrating thing about women. You put out like crazy in the beginning then after we are with you for a while the question is "Is that all you care about"? No it isn't but I'm with you because you wern't a prude that made me work for it in the beginning. We need it and if you don't do it or make it too difficult to do we'll find it somewhere else. ALL WOMEN LISTEN TO THIS: If you just put out on a regular basis tell us we are the best, pretend to enjoy it if you don't, YOU WILL GET WHATEVER YOU WANT FROM US. Its really that simple.
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If you didn't act like that was all that mattered, you would get it more. Are you listening to this: It really is that simple.
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Ask for what you need and what you want. If he can, why can't you?
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I know you are tired after working, caring for the home and your child, but you should be thankful that your husband is still attracted to you. He could be out whoring around, but he is home trying to do you. Sex is a great stress reliever and it makes the two of you closer. The first poster may be a jerk, but he has a point. If you don't want your man stepping out on you, GIVE IT TO HIM OFTEN! Don't make it work for him. What he said is true...if you keep him satisfied, he will do almost anything for you. Oh, btw I am a woman!
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Because that is your job. So shut up and do it.
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You picked him!
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Lay there, spread'em, and shut the f*** up. I'm SURE he does absolutely nothing with his own son, eh? Welcome to the world of equal rights for females.
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Men really are simple - they don't realize that our role really changes after we become mothers - if after we had kids all we wanted to do was F*CK and we didn't bother to take care of the kids (feed, bathe, care for) men would really b**** and be a little freaked out. It's not one or the other - but come on give us a break being a mom is THE MOST IMPORTANT JOB ON THE PLANET, you getting laid is only a close second!!!
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my wife slowed down having sex with me, so i go look for it elsewhere. if only she would do it more often
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my wife slowed down having sex with me, so i go look for it elsewhere. if only she would do it more often
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I that when people say you HAVE to do it or else he will find it somewhere is that?? A threat? really? Does this person have no control that he can't not do it tonight? Id on't get this thinking. Why do I have to do it whever he wants? Fcuk that shit. Keep your f***ing dick in your pants and LOVE your wife..loving her doesn't mean f***ing her.
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Men are a** ****s like two post up oh she Slowed downed..she didn't stop, but slowed down and you had to find someone else. You are immature and I am sure the women you say you satisfy yourself with don't even come close to comparison to your wife. You are a Sad person.
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First' know that I'm a man... Men are like fine wine, we start out as grapes and it's up to woman to stomp the sHit out of us until we turn into something worth having dinner with.
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^ really you like being stomped on? I treat my man like a king but he just like he says :/ My options: stay with him cuz he half ass loves me, or find someone else who "if I don't give it up every second will go look somwhere else, or be alone? Great f***ing options! Come on Where are the MEN at??
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^ You're an idiot loser and two up is a joke dumbass.
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you beotches have no clue
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Oh god will you just go f**k your husband already!
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it could be worse, he could tell you just to leave him alone
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This is a mans world. Where Women seem to have to give into the needs of there man on demand or suffer the consequences. This is what all of you are describing. There really is WAY more to life than just Sex. Sex is the easy option, Everything good in life, and I mean everything and anything comes from hard work, whatever that hard work consist of even if it's keeping it in your pants cuz that may be a struggle, but you will be rewarded. It really is how life works.
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I don't know what the hell your all talking about....a mans world. Maybe I am just different because I grew up without a father figure in my life and lived with my mother and two sisters. I'm 40 now and I'm not afraid to do anything. I do the dishes, the laundry, vacuuming, cleaning, yard work, house repairs, cars. Right now I am painting our house to save us $$$, after that I have a big section of rot to repair and a chimney top to replace. I'm also a good cook and typically have a decent meal ready except during the summer tourist season. I didn't mention that I also get up around 4AM every morning to go to work and typically, depending on the season, out of season I work till around 5 PM and in season I get about 3 hours off in the day and work till 10 PM. Do you think my wife recognizes me for any of it? Notta. Ladies, I'd give anything to have a woman that treated me right. I would.
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I do all the things you do and I am the one who wants to make love every night,,, my hub is the one who seems like he could take it or leave it... hmmmm.
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i am the op.thanks to all of you with good advice and to you who say jus f*** him can go to husband and i have sex at least 3 days a week,but he wants i every day.there are days that i dont feel like being bothered so why should i have to give it to him for him to shut up. thats pointless and that also makes sex meaningless for me.
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hey she slowed down from twice a week to maybe once a month, just to punish me for not paying attendtion to her. i didn't deserve this, i treat her like a queen. and sex isn't everything, i just want it like it was
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Females are always like that. When we pay too much attention to them they treat us like shit and when we don't they think we're a**holes. Here is a good option for both of you, give it to him daily while you have your beauty. There are a lot of divorces because of this. so just do it daily, it is good exercise. Have some foreplay so you both can enjoy it.
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hey she slowed down from twice a week to maybe once a month, just to punish me for not paying attendtion to her. i didn't deserve this, i treat her like a queen. and sex isn't everything, i just want it like it was
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You're too pathetic and weak to slug it out on your own. Keep whining on here loser
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^^ give it to him him while you have your beauty??!?! LOL wow, your a dick. So after a while yur going to be ugly and noone will want to have sex with you. People are soo f***ing dumb. Men want to blame the women, the women blame the men. Take some f***ing responsibilty for your own actions. You know right from wrong...period.
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go get it somewhere else.
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The need for adult human companionship is a base need. It is as important as food, shelter, and clothing. When he says "let's f***" just go and lie there like a cold fish. His behavior is abusive. You're enabling it to happen. Most things are a two-way street. It took the both of you to make a life happen... Now make life happen, geniuses!
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He should compliment you and take care of you as well.
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^and she him
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This is an age-old riddle. The thing is, most everyone is right on this subject, BUT noone is seeing the whole truth. Something funny that my marriage counselor said was that sex for women is work. If they work (in this case) 10 hours at the hospital, the last thing they want to do is have sex. We as men do have to step up a little and help out with chores and such. On the other hand, it is integral to have sexual intimacy to help keep your marriage strong. It's an odd little relationship glue. Give and take everyone!
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I do the "giving"... all she has to do is "take". Well, and wash up afterwards...
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Really?? Work?? Let's be honest, how much "work" does a woman really have to do during sex. you either lay there, bend over and maybe straddle for a while. you want us to treat you right give us more sex. if we want more sex, we should be treating you right. can't have one without the other, your choice.
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^^I know that it seems like that's all they do is just lay there or whatever, and I tend to agree, but the fact of the matter is, it's mentally wired into their heads that sex is work...there's just no getting around it.
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why do women act like sex is an all day job. 25 mins and your back to watching tv on the couch. even 10 minute quickies are faster than you can do the dishes.
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This is why men should have 2 to 5 when one is on the rag,you just say OK and move to wife #2 and so on. Women need men more than we need them.
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Why should he have to say let's do it? You should just blow him then get on top and do it cowgirl style (daily). It might be work if he did it wheelbarrow style.
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good question! Why do you ~
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Douche with tuna juice
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