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I think my best friend is full of shit. I'm tired of all the excuses, get yourself together already.

I think my best friend is full of shit. I'm tired of all the excuses, get yourself together already.

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Category: secrets

Yea, I can absolutely relate. My best friend has been on a downhill slide for about five or six years, yet won't do a thing to help herself. But boy does she like to b**** and whine and complain about everything. I'm t-i-r-e-d of it! I want to get out of this relationship but don't know how!
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Well,dumbass don't speak to them anymore!
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Why don't you tell them that? Sometimes all a person needs is a verbal slap in the face to bring them back to reality.
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hah been there done that..they never want to change they just want someone to feel sorry for them. end that friendship for your sanity
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Why don't you mind your f***ing business, stop posting on my posts ,and get unpissy when I give it back to you---Dover Jr.
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More like "an enchantingly fat whore"
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