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I'm scared that he might be everything I ever wanted.

I'm scared that he might be everything I ever wanted.

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Category: secrets

Why should that scare you? My husband is everything I ever wanted, and he's in the's tough, yes, but if you truly love him, it's all worth it.
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OP. I'm scared b/c I don't want to fall madly in love and then lose him.
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I can totally understand that. The way I look at it,'s better to have that relationship with him and have the memories if things end up that way, than to not take that chance and always wonder. But trust me, I totally understand your fear...I feel it every time my husband goes overseas.
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If you don't go for it you may regret it forever and always wonder, what if.
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Aim a little higher???!!!! What an asshole. Those men and women in uniform are risking their lives to protect your right to insult them. Go to Iraq and pick up a rifle. Fukkin Loser.
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Say that to my face and I will aim a little higher, right between you eyes.
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life is about change. Go for it ...Life is not tryed if it is merley survived!
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a SALUTE to all of my brothers and sisters that wear our UNIFORM'S
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