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I would rather die skinny than get fat again!
<br/>I just want men to notice me & love me!

I would rather die skinny than get fat again!

I just want men to notice me & love me!

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Category: secrets

I understand..I would kill to be skinny. And kill myself if I got fatter.
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The first poster on here is a punk. How rude of them. You'll be fine sweetheart. But dont starve yourself, it only stores fat in your triceps. Just eat healthy and stay active. Thats what I have done. Im 105, no stretch marks, 2 kids and been in a nude magazine after having the kids. I look better than I did in high school and Im 49 going on 25.
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Well, hopefully you lost the weight in a healthy manner...There's nothing wrong with preferring yourself with a certain physique but you know that simply wanting men to notice you is a pathetic, hollow life goal, right? No matter how thin and pretty you get, there will always be thousands of other pretty, thin women for them to look at, admire and leave you for. You have to live for yourself because men will never be able to fill that void and make you feel loved. No one can do that except you!
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Many men love voluptuous thick women; I certainly do. The thought of a skinny girl with the figure of a boy just does not do anything for me. Concentrating on your figure seems rather shallow to me.
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If you look anything like the chicks you picture here, believe me, men will LOVE you. Just sayin'...
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Men to notice you? Is that all you want? there is much more to life than that. men notice anything with a hole in it, don't give men that much power over you. Learn to love yourself.
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Why are some of you so MEAN! I can't understand the way you must be thinking. To this poor woman; Honey, looks aren't everything. Shouldn't it matter what you are like inside & not on the outside?
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I'm an ugly guy. Ive dated some of the most beautiful women in the world because they look past it. The only people you will attract now are ones that just want to f*** you and run.
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Amen skinny sister!!
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Don't live your life my what men want, they are retarded. If you want to lose weight, do it for your health and self-esteem. Waiting around for a lazy ass man will get you nowhere.
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Im NOT a thin woman, but, i get ALL the *attention* i can handle. its NOT if your thin, its if you are confident in the SKIN your in! Men LIKE that! no matter what your size. JUST know you are the BEST you, you can BE! and SHINE
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Pamela Anderson is the hottest one up there. ~Disturbed
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Why all the men haters? were not all jerks, i love thick women and skinny women. My lady was 97 lbs when we met now she's 130 and still beautiful as ever. Just do what you want and remember thick IS the NEW skinny!
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You're so pathetic & lame. signed, CHARISMATIC non-fat chick who's noticed and loved by ALL because SHE KNOWS SHE ROCKS!!!!
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I'll take the ugly one in the pictures posted.
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The women pictured are not only skinny, they've also had -- at the very least -- breast implants and who knows what other cosmetic surgery. The heck of it all is that in another 20 years or so, these women will fade just like everyone else. There comes a point when you either learn to love yourself for the way you are, or you condemn yourself to a lifetime of always wanting to be something else. As far as men? The one who said all they care about is a hole is closest to being correct. But of those who are looking for arm candy, how shallow is that? And is that really all you want from a man? If so, better hope you don't ever need or want him for any really serious soul connection.
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quote: "Men to notice you? Is that all you want? there is much more to life than that. men notice anything with a hole in it, don't give men that much power over you. Learn to love yourself." endquote. It's funny to see all the fatties hating. stuff another twinkie in and keep b****ing! haha!
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I was skinny , 85lbs, when I was a meth head.. .OOOH WOOPY! LETS NOT f***ING EAT AND KILL OURSELVES!!! Now, 4 years later, I'm 145, just had a baby 5 months ago and haven't done a thing to get rid of the weight... WHY? Because my husband likes my ba-donk-a-donk :-D
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and st louis... f*** YOU AND YOUR SKINNY BULIMIC WIFE! Maybe if you weren't such a DOUCHE she could be herself and put on 5 lbs and be NORMAL... JUST BECAUSE YOU'RE NOT STICK THIN DOESN'T MAKE YOU FAT!.... morons
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Does anyone find it disturbing that women and especially young girls would rather DIE than live with some fat? That is a horrible message your sending to all females, wait til you have a daughter. Hopefully you can teach her the quality of living a healthy life; mind, body and soul wise.
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and GOD forbid should YOU have a FAT daughter! What then.. *kill her* or make her HATE herself
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^^^^^That was a *great* comeback. Not.^^^^
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You want to be a useless bimbo? That's a great goal in life. How many STD'S do you want? How many kids? How many abortions? How many times do you want to be raped? How many times before you realize you should and are supposed to be a nice girl whether you are skinny or overweight?
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This is probably the saddest secret I've read on this site yet. You need some serious help with your self esteem issues.
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