Places for help:
If you cant go on:
I'm tired of you breaking things and screaming at me in front of our kids. I've tried to help you with your addiction but you don't want it. It's time to go.

I'm tired of you breaking things and screaming at me in front of our kids. I've tried to help you with your addiction but you don't want it. It's time to go.

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Category: Secrets

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Go. Never look back.
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1^ what makes you think its a womens post?
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Remove them from that as soon as you can, addiction, anger, and dysfunction are learned habits that they will pick up on. Please do it for the kids, give the addict sometime to get it together. <3
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We have a 1 yr old who runs around the corner and hides when he yells at me. It breaks my heart to see him do that because I know he's scared and he should never be afraid in his own home. I wish I could take our kids far far away and be able to make it on our own. Unfortunately I don't have any good support system but I'm doing the best that I can.
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I think this is a man writing this for some reason. I can see your wife screaming hopped up on pills. That sucks she needs help.
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No. I'm a woman and I'm talking about my husband.
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I'm sure what you'll find will be so much better. What? A rich doctor who does nothing in the way of parenting save for hiring someone else to do it for them? Oooh, that way you'll have more time AND money to go shopping.
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OP here; Just as soon as my gun permit comes through,I'm buying that .45 that I have on lay-away at K-Mart. Then I'm going to blow you away!
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Umm.. I'm pretty sure I've done absolutely nothing to deserve to be shot and I sure as hell don't want to get married again after this is over. I definitely don't need a rich man or any man. I have a career and am able to support myself and our two boys.
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Tiffy is that you? This is your "uncle". I love you.
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Get out, do it at least for ur baby. It will be hard at first but you'll be glad u did.
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I posted this. I got a loan and am moving out into a new house with my babies this weekend. I can't wait to get away from all this negativity. I wish things didn't have to happen this way but he should have taken me seriously when I told him it was us or the drugs. He chose the drugs so he made the choice for us.
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