Places for help:
If you cant go on:
Forgave you instantly but our friendship gone, will never trust you again, you undermined my authority with my child encouraging her disobedience and disrespect

Forgave you instantly but our friendship gone, will never trust you again, you undermined my authority with my child encouraging her disobedience and disrespect

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Category: Secrets

god forbid your child disobey you...ever heard of this thing called a soul? hopefully you understand you dont OWN your child or their soul, all you can do is nurture them so they make the best decisions in life for THEMSELVES. if you truly think you can control other peoples actions you are fooling yourself!
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Lady, you didnt forgive squat, gimme a break.
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That's right. You have forgiven no one. Stop b u l l s h i t t i n g yourself. You're in denial. Wake up!
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2^So you are saying that a parent should never tell their kids not to play in the street or not to eat whatever they want or not to jump in the pool when they don't know how to swim? Parents must teach their children obedience and respect. It's unavoidable. If it's not done the child puts themselves in danger or grows up and disrespcets others and puts others in danger. OP - I am in complete agreement with you. People who encourage children to be disrespectful of their parents or their parents requests do not love the child and are only causing problems for them. You did the right thing. Of course we don't own our kids you idiot (back at 2^) but we have to teach and guide them the best we can and we certainly don't stand by when an idiot like yourself encourages them to be disrespectful.
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My sister would encourage my children to disobey certain rules I had set up for my kids. Things like, no playing at the dinner table - she would encourage them to play with their food and make a mess. Or she would encourage them to be loud and out of control running around the house and they would often get hurt. She did this because she wanted their approval and attention. She did not care if they were learning the things they needed to learn or if my relationship with them as their parent was "underminded" which it was. These people are not to be trusted. They are selfish, irresponsible people who should not be around children until they can resolve their own issues and respect the parents of the kids.
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2 up....I am simply saying she has NOT forgiven anyone, i'm not saying she should or shouldnt...I couldnt care less....but after what she posted "our friendship is gone and I will never trust you"...thats NOT, 2up, need to wake up!!!
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^so know your GOD and can see another's heart?! Forgiveness doesn't mean you accept ones behavior it simply means chosen to move on holding no grudges.
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^...hold this ! (you're as dumb as a bag of blonde hair)
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3^ could not have said it better than the post below you "Forgiveness doesn't mean you accept ones behavior it simply means chosen to move on holding no grudges."You can forgive a person and be smart enough not to trust them and their toxic behavior. But frankly I would not even begrudge the OP for not forgiving this person. Raising children is very hard to do. raising respectful and compassionate children even harder and the last thing a parent needs is someone whom they put their trust in to undermine that parent child bond in anyway. It's really a pretty unforgiveable act if you think about it but alas we must not allow certain peoples manipulative actions to ruin everything and foster hate in our hearts. better to let them go f*** up their own lives.
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jesus christ op why not just say its you writing all these long, lame ass comments!
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to the 4th cannot TELL a child to obey you. you have to TEACH them how to make the right decision in life for THEMSELVES. many parents TELL their child not to go in the road and they will still do it....but if you TEACH your child WHY they should not go in the road they will decide not to for THEMSELVES. obviously if the op had TAUGHT her daughter how to think for herself she would not have been influenced by the friend in the first place because she wouldnt look up to authority figures to make her choices for her. and fyi mistakes are called LEARNING EXPERIENCES not DEATH EXERIENCES. an raising an independent learner is a good thing and will help them the rest of their lives....they are the ones who grow up to make GOOD decisions for themselves when they are older and no longer under your influence. why would you want to turn your child into a DOG that you command to OBEY you?
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the OP owes the internet some ink !!
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^The internet don't want no stinkin ink.
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3^you are an idiot. Of course it us up to parents to teach their kids to think for themselves and become independent. Obviously you don't have children though right? There are times when a child is growing up when they must absolutely OBEY their parents requests/ commands. The consequences of not doing this could very easily mean the childs wellbeing. If you are a parent you are a completely worthless one if you think it's smart to leave a child alone in a room with a hot stove or let them play in the street. Those "mistakes can and have cost the lives of many children. And as for the person who interefered with the parent child relationship, underminded the parents role, they are a complete ass. Let me guess - you are one of these kinds of people? You think it's alright to interfere with how a parent teachers their own child. Here is a tip - it's NONE of your damn business. Especially if you are like my sister, have no kids and aborted the only pregnancy she ever had!
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oh yeah....well, MY sister is an only child, so there !!!!
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stupid b**** had to say the last word..... wait that makes me the stupid b****????????
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OP and the commenter that has an issue with her sister are control freaks. Your kids are going to hate you one day. You have to be moderate---this is proven. Too lax/no rules=problems. Too restrictive=problems. Middle ground.And some people in your kids life will allow things that are different than your rules. The commenter who thinks her sister sucks for allowing her kids to play at the table...she's the AUNT! She should be cooler and not as anal as MOM. People some perspective here!
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^You don't know what you are talking about. The aunt should be respectful of the parents rules. If the aunt is deliberately encouraging the children to go against the rules in order to appear "cool" to the kids she is not only disrupting the relationship between the parent and child but also teaching the child that it is ok to break rules, be disrespectful and that love means letting people do whatever the f*** they want - all of which is harmful to the child. The reality is that the aunt that does this sort of thing is doing it out of self serving interest trying to get attention and favor over the parents and has no real care for the child. If she did care for the child she would do everything to support the child in it's most important relationship with that of their parent - not deliberately causing more stress and discord in an already challenging situation. Parents jobs are to raise their kids regardless in healthy and functional ways regardless of how the kids feel about it at the time. Even in moderate parenting kids often want their way and will hate you anyway.
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2^ The aunt deserves to die. I would never forgive her the transgression of playing at the table WHILE I WATCHED KNOWING MY RULES. But she should be cooler than me right, huh? She could have been cool at her own house when babysitting, but SHE WON'T BABYSIT AND NOW SHE DEAD TO ME ANYWAYS SO ANAL THAT!
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You know if the aunt or the OP's friend wanted to be really cool, you know what they could have done instead of undermine the parent child relationship? They could have done something like offer to help the parent out with household tasks so the parent and kid could have some quality time together or they could have taken the kid to do some volunteer work or taken the kid to the park or even could have done something really sweet and nice for the parent to show the child that their parent was a good person to be loved and respected. But NO... so much cooler to encourage the kid to be a brat. Right. And by the way, that is not helping the kid to be an independent thinker, it is teaching the kid to follow a self abosrbed coniving manipulative b****. M, if you are reading this post know this, as long as you think it's ok to be this way you won't be in their lives. They deserve so much more than you using them to carry out your passive agression and make you feel better about yourself.
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^you are a total control freak. i feel sorry for your kids....and one day you will regret being such a CunTraG to them :(
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^ you feel sorry for yourself that you can't get away with being a manipulative shit. I doubt you will ever regret anything you do because your narcisism goes deeper than the grand canyon. At least I have a family, one in which you know nothing about. You can tell yourself I am a control freak so that you don't have to acknowledge the fact that you are too damned self absorbed to care about anyone, including my kids, but your pathetic self. Hope all that self importance is enough to get you through those lonely holidays.
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Good points. Coolness.
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^^who the fuCk do you think you are you talking too? i am not the person you *think* i am...i am a 27 year old woman with my own family!!! guess your ASSumption about me being a family member/lonely on the holidays would be WRONG! all i can do is thank god i am not related to you have a personality disorder? because you are acting like a weirdo. your poor, poor children *shakes head in disgust at the crazy lady*
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^You may have a family but the person was right about you being a manipulative shit and a narcisist. Anyone who would delberately go against a parents decisions for their child and then call them crazy for being pissed off about it is the one with the real personality disorder. Sociopath much?
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^ right on. 2^ you're exactly who i thought we were talking to. i'll bet one of your kids turns out a comedian!
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BWAHAHAHAHA!!! you people are so easy to piss off ;)
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^^i love you op! keep making multiple comments pretending to be other people just to get your point across, we believe you *wink wink*!!!
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The OP has a good point regardless if they are making multiple posts or not. People who interfere with a parent/child relationship and do things to undemine it basically suck.
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